Review and Refactor existing Wiki to be more User profile driven

Review and Refactor existing Wiki to be more User profile driven


Primary Mentor

@Cynthia Antwi

Primary Mentor

@Cynthia Antwi

Backup Mentor


Assigned to


Primary  Objective:

Provide an improved user experience or a more accessible information architecture.

 Project Description

We would like to work with a technical writer who could with us to develop a more "visible" user/persona driven wiki architecture and provide insights into how we could improve documentation to be better geared towards non technical users of our technology. A significant proportion of OMRS documentation is captured and managed within our wiki . One of the major complaints raised by visitors to the wiki, is how "technical" and "developer" focused our user content is, and how it has been structured. The writer will be working with the documentation team to  review and develop information architecture skeleton, that can be further developed post conclusion of the GSoD program for 2019.


Skills Needed

  • Knowledge on developing user information architecture for large Software Platforms

  • Good Knowledge on writting content for users who may not be technical

Objectives at the end of the Assignment :

  • Well structured user centered information architecure

  • Insights into how to better develop content that is for a broader non technical audience.


Related Resources

Documentation Work Needed


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