Documentation on How to Translate OpenMRS
Project Owner: Hillary Nyakundi
Primary Mentor: @Grace Potma
Primary Objective
Clear documentation for translators and for implementers to quickly understand how to translate OpenMRS.
Project Description
The demand to robustly localize OpenMRS is growing. The OpenMRS application is highly localizable, and a significant foundation of translation infrastructure is already built-in: but ironically, this is not well-known, and neither the small amounts of volunteer translation nor the infrequent peer-review of strings match the growing needs of OpenMRS translation.
Since turning on tooling to auto-translate our website and SEO results, we have seen signs of greater interest in translating OpenMRS. Now, through this project, we would like to mend two large gaps in documentation about how to translate OpenMRS:
Gap #1: Guidance for Translation Volunteers: There is minimal guidance on how volunteer contributors proficient in both English and other languages can contribute translations.
Gap #2: Guidance for Implementers: There is inadequate organized, clear guidance in one place on how implementers (both BAs/PMs or Developers) can translate their distribution entirely into one or more other languages (other than English). The good news is, OpenMRS is in fact highly i18n-izeable, and experienced implementers are already using completely translated distributions in many languages in production. There’s also no guide that Implementer leaders can hand over to contracted translators (e.g. “As an Implementer launching OpenMRS in a non-English language, I need a guide we can give to translators who will be translating our distribution, on how exactly they can do that.” Ideally the Guidance for Translation Volunteers could be re-useable in this instance )
Both of these guides should be a reusable asset relevant to any kind of language, feature, or content area, and we expect this will be leveraged for years to come.
Documentation to support a stronger Translation Community for OpenMRS
Summary of Research: Work with potential Translators in understanding what information and support they need in order to perform accurate and effective translations of the OpenMRS interface and metadata content. Create a summary document of understanding of needs from calls with Translators
Translator Guide: Create clear documentation across OpenMRS artifacts on how to contribute and peer-review translations. OpenMRS website page recruiting translation contributors and published Translation Guide for new translators, including a guideline for conducting Peer Review of submitted translations contributed by someone else to ensure quality and safety.
Documentation on How-To-Translate-your-OpenMRS-Distro
What Has Already Been Done
Auto-translation of the website, and automated SEO of website in multiple languages (thread explaining this). Since turning on this tooling to auto-translate our website and SEO results, we have seen signs of greater interest in translating OpenMRS.
Simple webpage on getting involved translating:
Good simple guide on how to use Transifex to contribute string translations to OpenMRS. I hope this or something like this can be included in the OpenMRS translator documentation as it’s nice and straightforward. Translating OpenMRS frontend via Transifex | Notion
Existing Resources To Leverage in this Project
Some translation guidance:
Configuring Translations:
Setting up translations in a frontend module:
High-level translation wiki page: Translating the Reference Application
Other translation guidance:
You can specifically see translation-related posts in the OpenMRS forum (“Talk”) where the translation tag is used.
SME to Possibly Interview:
Ian Bacher
Romain Buisson
Miscellaneous Things to Include in the Translation Documentation
Gotcha's Grace Recommends That We Remember To Document for Translators:
For “Location”, use “emplacement” instead of “site”, since “Site” can be used differently than “Location”
Visit = / = Encounter; instead use visite
Check-in = / = Register (“Enregistrer”: should this be used for Check-in or not?)
Then for Register you’d use _____.
Be careful in editing mode to double-check that the language you are translating for is correct. When you change the repo/source you are translating for, this sometimes changes sneakily!!
For gendered language: How to handle masculine vs feminine phrasing
For confusion acronyms/abbreviations which don’t make sense in another language (e.g. “AIDS” in English is “SIDA” in French, or “EPTB” is “TBEP” in French): These Medical abbreviation guides can help you identify what the abbreviation may stand for in that language:
Guide to common French words:
Visits: consultation. Not “visit” because in french that is informal, like you are going to see a friend.
Star (as in “Starred List” like a bookmark or a favorite): Liste de favoris
How to Shorten Setences
Too Long: Les files d'attente ont été vidées avec succès
Better: “Files d'attente vidées avec succès”
On updating translations in modules
Most modules have a GitHub Action that is scheduled to run every day at 8PM UTC which pulls in the translations from Transifex and updates the source files in the repository and creates a PR/updates an existing PR.
There is another GitHub Action that is triggered whenever a push is made to the main branch which handles updating Transifex with new translation keywords, if any.