OpenMRS Documentation Guide

OpenMRS Documentation Guide

Thank you for your interest in the OpenMRS Community! We have created this guide for people who are curious about becoming Technical Writers in our community. This guide gathers the collective wisdom of the Write the Docs community around best practices for creating software documentation. If you find yourself eager to get started, we've also included some practical advice on specific steps you can take right away to start doing documentation work with the OpenMRS community.

 Types of Pages/templates On the OpenMRS Wiki

  • Project pages

  • Meeting Pages


    • Meeting conventions  (all meetings minutes on ether-pad, posted on meeting announcement)

  • Release Pages ( Sprints are captured in JIRA and links provided on the release page)

  • Road maps

  • Technical documentation 

  • Processes like  Road map, Release Management and Creating a New Project

A beginner’s guide to writing documentation

For Whom to write 

First, you need to ask yourself who you’re writing for in the community. There are a number of consumers who visit our resources 

  • Users: (curious, government officials, students, and implementers) these are people who want to use the software and are more concerned with the user experience.

  • Developers: (students, professional volunteers etc.) are people who want to contribute back to your code.

Where do I find information on current documentation

A lot of people visit Openmrs documentation to try to figure out what exactly the project is all about. Someone will mention it, or they will google a phrase randomly. You should explain what your project does and why it exists.  This is where to find openmrs documentation OpenMRS Wiki, OpenMRS website, GitBook and GitHub

How to get support

Starting off

How to get started

These are the steps to follow when getting started as a Technical Writer in the OpenMRS Community: