https://talk.openmrs.org/tag/omop & https://talk.openmrs.org/search?q=omop
Andy Kanter, Burke Mamlin, and Julianna Kohler come up as the people most interested in the topic.
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Other Possibly Helpful Tools
OMOP CDM FAQs: https://ohdsi.github.io/CommonDataModel/faq.html
OMOP Community Tool “WhiteRabbit”: WhiteRabbit is a small application that can be used to analyse the structure and contents of a database as preparation for designing an ETL. It comes with RabbitInAHat, an application for interactive design of an ETL to the OMOP Common Data Model with the help of the the scan report generated by White Rabbit. https://github.com/OHDSI/whiterabbit
Recommended by Health Data Research Gateway: This website somebody here shown to Jan at the Boston CZI grantees meeting: “gave me where she’s been helping to map clinical data to omop for a UK initiative. Said to github has some pipeline tools we might be interested in: https://www.healthdatagateway.org “ https://github.com/HDRUK ; Health Data Research Technology Community Slack channel
Carrot-Mapper: Carrot-Mapper enables conversion of data to the OMOP Common Data Model, without data being egressed from its secure location, nor requiring access to the secure location. Carrot-Mapper automates as much of the process as possible, and also enables users to reuse each others' mappings. Carrot-Mapper pairs with Carrot-CDM to complete the OMOP conversion process.
CaRROT-CDM: The primary purpose of the CaRROT-CDM package is to Extract input datasets and Transform them using mapping rules defined in a json file, outputting formatted datasets in tsv format that can be Loaded into a database or other destination (ETL).