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OpenMRS Forum (Talk) & Slack & Wiki

Google Generic

  1. Google it:

Other Possibly Helpful Tools

  • Recommended by Health Data Research Gateway: This website somebody here shown to Jan at the Boston CZI grantees meeting: “gave me where she’s been helping to map clinical data to omop for a UK initiative. Said to github has some pipeline tools we might be interested in: “ ; Health Data Research Technology Community Slack channel

    • Carrot-Mapper: Carrot-Mapper enables conversion of data to the OMOP Common Data Model, without data being egressed from its secure location, nor requiring access to the secure location. Carrot-Mapper automates as much of the process as possible, and also enables users to reuse each others' mappings. Carrot-Mapper pairs with Carrot-CDM to complete the OMOP conversion process.

    • CaRROT-CDM: The primary purpose of the CaRROT-CDM package is to Extract input datasets and Transform them using mapping rules defined in a json file, outputting formatted datasets in tsv format that can be Loaded into a database or other destination (ETL).

FHIR Community (Possibly Helpful for Mapping)
