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Search terms: OpenMRS OMOP
, and “OpenMRS” “OMOP”
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Directly relevant & helpful:
Researchers we find through searching for terms “OpenMRS OMOP”
Reach out to Barry Levine about thisLooks like a masters' student?
Barry Levine: OpenMRS-OMOP Mapping & ETL paper and their findings: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666990023000277
ETL approach to convert OMRS to OMOP: https://
Indirectly helpful:
This group outlines reasons they think OpenMRS can be difficult for researchers to query, and propose their own simpler EMR to make life easier for Researchers. We should review to see what we can learn from this: A simple electronic medical record system designed for research https://academic.oup.com/jamiaopen/article/4/3/ooab040/6332673?login=false
OpenMRS Forum (Talk) & Slack
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FHIR Community (Possibly Helpful for Mapping)
GT-FHIR2, the OMOP on FHIR Project, (n.d.). http://omoponfhir.org/ (accessed March 27, 2019).
M. Choi, R. Starr, M. Braunstein, and J. Duke, OHDSI on FHIR Platform Development with OMOP CDM mapping to FHIR Resources, in: OHDSI Symposium, Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics, Washington, DC, 2016. https://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=resources:ohdsionfhir_gatech_v1.pdf