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Discussion items

Project Activities Spreadsheet

Internships: GSoC 2018
  • Second evaluation opens next week and is due by end of next week
  • Dan will be sending students a reminder to prepare for their recorded updates
  • Have had a few issues with student participation that we are working through with mentors
  • Noticed that after evaluations blog posts are not as detailed unsure if this is different than reality
  • GSoC sent or will send first payment to organization
  • Jeff has been sending out occasional Tweet
  • AAR: would be good to think about how to keep contributions active throughout the process

Internships: Andela

Daniel Kayiwa
  • List of Andela Projects
  • Currently have 8 students
  • 5 students working on OCL for OpenMRS and should be seeing a demo soon
  • Got 3 new students and got them up to date. This week will be starting and hope to start sprint tomorrow
  • New students will be working on PIH to extend current order entry app to deal with medications and labs
  • Daniel suggested working on tickets and sprint board while waiting for PIH to create tickets
  • Angela working to create tickets and then will share with PIH to have them edit and add more tickets
  • Next time we need to make sure to remind project owners are creating tickets ahead of time so
SolDevelo / Sync 2.0

Jakub S?awi?ski

OpenMRS Reference Application 2.8

Stephen Senkomago Musoke and Juliet Wamalwa

OpenMRS Platform 2.2
  • Most tickets remaining are awaiting developers
  • June 2018 release date (likely will be July or August) - need to get out in July
  • Can see where things stand on the Technical Road MapRoadmap
  • Volunteer working on tickets and Daniel trying to help in spare time
  • Suggest OpenMRS hour once a week to walk people through tickets - revive University calls or make them earlier in the day?
  • Stephen will post to Talk to see if open office hours would be useful to people - check back in a couple weeks
  • Jira Legacy
    serverOpenMRS Issues
    is this a priority? Daniel and Wyclif agree to take on some of the tickets and will evaluate progress on the next PM call.

Last week todos

  • Consider a "bootcamp" to get more people up to speed with infrastructure management (e.g., terraform)
  • Leverage new CM and PM to help early on in identifying infrastructure support gaps and getting them filled
  • Find out where we stand on hiring PMNew Hire Updates
    • CM - conducted interviews, post on Talk to listen to interviews, will be asking the community of factors that they feel are important in a CM. Want to make a decision by end of the week.
    • PM - selection has been made, discussions happening around salary and start date. Announcement should be coming in the next week or so.
  • Christine (end of Sept) - coordinating Summit and helping with some other items as needed
  • Funding opportunities?
    • Security proposal that is written and got some feedback, believe it was due last week. (Core Infrastructure Fund)
    • Roll over proposal from Global Goods and OpenMRS is in second round. 
    • Dial proposal - Terry was out and is unsure of the status
    • People would like to see funding opportunities in a spreadsheet
Next week
  • OCL Update - Jon

Action items

  •  Stephen Senkomago Musokewill do retrospective on Talk of the last couple of releases
  •  Daniel Kayiwa will get preliminary Andela tickets to PIH for review and creation of additional tickets
  •  Stephen Senkomago Musoke will post to Talk to see if open office hours would be useful to people
  •  Terry will ask Christine to put together a funding opportunities spreadsheet to keep on the wiki