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Discussion items



GSOC started up earlier this month.
Students are working on their projects

OCL for OpenMRS Squad

Michael (TPM) has been cleaning stuff up
Michael has JIRA issues - can't create or close sprints. Ellen has been helping with this
Started Sprint 29 last Wednesday - Herbert + Jennifer to help Michael make the announcement on Talk for those not following on Slack


Currently in the application submission phase.
Technical writers have until July 9 to draft, finalize, and submit their proposals to Google
Mentors to help them get unblocked
Many are working on tasks on the Documentation Trello board
One technical writer is proposing a new project focused on re-vamping our installation/developer guide. We need to identify two mentors to support the technical writer

Platform 2.4.0TBD

Need to make sure we have an experienced Platform RM to accompany the Platform RM 
Ref App will also need a RM - and we do not currently have a Ref App Lead. 
TAC can help define the Ref App Roadmap

Action items

  •  Talk to Michael about adding OCL sprint issues to Getting Started as a Developer Wiki page (community priorities)
  •  Documentation Team to add new tasks (ie: OCL for OpenMRS Guide) to Trello Board
  •  Jennifer Murdoch to post call for release manager, co-manager, interested contributors