Versions Compared


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What's New

The Platform 2.7.0 -alpha release introduces several updates and enhancements, including:

  • Concept reference ranges for more tailored health insights.

  • Hibernate Envers audit logging to maintain a detailed and accurate history of data changes: TRUNK-6155TRUNK-6208

  • Support for Java 17:

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira

  • Updates to Hibernate 5.6.15.Final:

  • Updates to Liquibase 4.28.0: TRUNK-6155TRUNK-6208

  • A REST endpoint to check the status of the platform:  TRUNK-6198

  • Add support for init parameters for module servlets: TRUNK-4673

  • Docker as a first-class approach to deployment:  RA-1990TRUNK-6186TRUNK-6083

  • Auto deactivation of user accounts after several days without logging: TRUNK-6235

  • Replace deprecated Hibernate Criteria API with JPA Criteria: TRUNK-6202

  • Privileged access to global property: TRUNK-6203TRUNK-6206

  • Upgrade other small libraries to their latest versions.

Bundled Modules

Database Changes

  • Adding unique index on location_tag name column

  • Adding optional property 'view_privilege' to 'global_property' table

  • Adding optional property 'edit_privilege' to 'global_property' table

  • Adding optional property 'delete_privilege' to 'global_property' table

  • Soundex extension for PostgreSQL

  • Extension to use UUID functions with PostgreSQL and creating an alias similar to MySQL

  • Creating 'concept_reference_range' table

  • Creating 'obs_reference_range' table


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We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to this release. Special thanks to Ian Bacher, Jayasanka Weerasinghe, Manoj Rathnapriya, Mark Goodrich, Mike Seaton, Mujuzi Moses, Nathan Ruhanga, Daniel Kayiwa, Patrick Seremba, Piotr Wargulak, Ryan McCauley, SSEBAANA Suubi Joshua, Sibendire Joshua, Wikum Weerakutti and herman muhereza . Your dedication and hard work have made this release possible. Thank you!
