Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

name": "Patient Registration",

"description": "A description",


"target": ".register_button",

"content": "Click this button to navigate to the registration page"

"target": '[aria-label="Contact Details Section"]',

"content": "Here you can update the patient's contact information.

Find Patient Record

The first search box on the screen will let you find and select a patient in the system.  After searching for a patient, you can click on his or her row to look at the patient’s dashboard; it contains detailed patient information, including looking at records of clinical visits, demographic information, graphs and medical forms. Some example patient names that you can search for are:


  1. search icon

    1. To fill out any forms or encounters of a patient, you have to start a visit. To start a patient visit, first you need to go to the patient chart view of the respective patient. Click on the search icon to open the search box so that we can search for the patient.

  2. search box

    1. Now, enter the name or the ID of the patient here. Some example patient names that you can search for are: John, Smith, Mary

  3. search results

    1. Click on the patient whose chart you want to go to their patient chartaccess. Make sure to select a patient without the "Active visit" label, as we will start a visit in the next steps of the tutorial.

  4. start visit button

    1. Welcome to the patient chart view! Here, you can find detailed patient information, records of clinical visits, demographic information, graphs, and medical forms. Click on the "Start Visit" button to open the Start Visit form.

  5. start visit form

    1. Fill out the necessary information here and click on the "Start Visit" button at the bottom of this form to start the visit. You can click on "Discard" if you don't want to start a visit at the moment.

  6. patient chart or patient header

    1. That's the end of this tutorial! If you have already started a visit, you will see an "Active Visit" tag near the patient's name here. After the visit is started, you can do things like capturing vitals, biometrics, and more through this patient chart view.


This application will allow you to create a new patient in the system.  The form is designed to support keyboard navigation as easily as using the mouse.  If you start defining a new patient similar to an existing patient, you will see an alert notifying you that a similar patient already exists in the system.

Capture Vitals

This application serves as an example of how a simple app can be created to repeatedly serve the same form to a user.  In this example, a clerk at the front of the clinic is capturing vitals for patients.  He selects a patient with an active visit, captures vitals, and returns to the prompt to find the next patient.


Step 1: Go through the search

  • target: Active visit table

  • content:

    • This table shows all the patients who are already in the middle of their visits. Click on any patient here to continue capturing their vitals.

Step 2:


target: patient chart view



  1. Search Icon

    1. To capture the vitals of a patient, you need to start by going to the patient chart view of the respective patient. Click on the search icon to open the search box so that you can search for the patient.

  2. Search Box

    1. Now, enter the name or the ID of the patient here. Some example patient names you can search for are: John, Smith, Mary.

  3. Search Results

    1. Click on the patient to go to their patient chart.

  4. Record Vitals Button

    1. Welcome to the patient chart view!


Step 3:

  • target: hamburger button

  • content:

    • Click on this button to reveal different sections. It's like opening a menu to see all the patient related sections!

Step 4:

  • target: Vitals sidebar

  • content:

    • Click here to see the Vitals and Biometrics section.

Step 5:

  • target: Vitals Page

  • content:

    • Congratulations! You've landed on the vitals page for this patient. This is where all the vital signs are tracked and recorded

Step 6:

  • target: Add button

  • content:

    • Click here to add new vitals for the patient. If there’s no active visit, you may prompted to start a visit.

Step 7:

  • target: Vitals form

  • content:

    • Fill out the necessary information here and click on the "Save and close" button at the bottom of the form to capture the patient's vitals. If you change your mind, just click "Discard."

Step 8:


target: Vitals table



    1. Click on the "Record Vitals" button to open the vitals form. If the selected patient doesn't have an active visit, you will be prompted to start one. In that case, submit the start visit form in order to proceed to the next step.

  1. Vitals Form

    1. In this form, you can enter the vitals and biometrics you have captured. If any value entered is out of the normal range, you will see ↑ (High), ↓ (Low), ↑↑ (Very High) or ↓↓ (Very Low) indicators next to the respective field. After entering all necessary details, click on the "Save and Close" button to submit the data.

  2. Vitals Header

    1. The latest vitals and biometrics data of the patient can be viewed in this section.

  3. Vitals and Biometrics Menu

    1. Click here to go to the Vitals and Biometrics page, where you can view the past records of vitals and biometrics.

  4. Vitals/Biometrics Tables

    1. These tables display the history of vitals and biometrics. Indicators may be present here to show measurements that are higher or lower than the typical range.

  5. Chart Button

    1. You can click on the "Chart" button for a graphical representation of the vitals history.

  6. any

    1. You have now successfully completed the tutorial. You can continue with the rest of the patient visit by recording additional information or performing other necessary actions within the patient chart view, or you can return to the homepage.

Advanced Administration > Dictionary


  • Target: Action button

  • Content:
    Click on "Action" and select "Add to List" from the drop-down menu.

Step 911:

  • Target: Add to List modal

  • Content:
    You can see the list of patient lists here. Search for our newly created patient list using the filter, and mark the checkbox beside the patient list name. You can add the patient to multiple lists at once by selecting multiple checkboxes.

Step 1012:

  • Target: Add to List button

  • Content:
    Now click on the "Add to Lists" button to confirm.

Step 1113:

  • Target: Close button

  • Content:
    We have successfully added a patient to the patient list. Let's go back to the patient lists by closing the patient chart by clicking here.

Step 1214:

  • Target: Patients List

  • Content:
    You can see the added patient on the list of patients.

Step 1315:

  • Target: Any

  • Content:
    Congrats! You have now completed the tutorial on creating patient lists and adding patients to the lists.


  • Target: Previous Imports list

  • Content: This is the list of previous imports. You can click on a record to see more details on it.


  • .