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We want to acknowledge their work and commitment to the OpenMRS community, so we asked them a few questions to learn more about who they are. 

Mayank Sharma

Mayank Sharma, tell us a little about your background:

Image ModifiedMy name is Mayank Sharma (@maany). I have just completed my summer internship at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) and am starting my final year of undergraduate student at National Institute of Technology, Delhi. I am majoring in Electronics and Communications Engineering but I spend most of my evenings after classes programming or tinkering with new technology I can get my hands on. Rewinding a little bit - I started out as a 3d animation and vfx guy and took a diploma in 3dsMax in my 7th grade because I wanted to make a full-fledged 3d movie. Since then, I started learning and programming in C/C++/ OpenGL and Java. In Feb 2014, I got my OCJP certification. I accumulated experience in computer graphics, 3d animation and game dev and so in my freshman year, I got selected for GSoC 2014. My project was to create a Cinematics editor for jMonkeyEngine. That’s how I got started with Open Source Software and I have really enjoyed contributing as it is a lot of fun and a great learning experience. I continued contributing to Open Source and was a successful GsoC 2015 student for OpenMRS. It was probably my best GsoC and I am glad to have had amazing mentors who supported me to continue contributing to the organization. 


My favorite OpenMRS moment definitely comes from the OpenMRS Summit last year. It was the first OpenMRS meetup I had attended and it was great meeting everyone in the community; especially the implementers. It was there when I realized that the words “Write Code, Save Lives” are not just random text on paper, but it is the cause each and every person in that building cares so sincerely about. The stories from PIH, Project Buendia, Bahmni and the positive energy in the environment created by people trying to make the world a better place was really very humbling and something I can never forget. It inspires me every time I think about it!!

Taremwa Tadeo

Image ModifiedTaremwa Tadeo, tell us a little about your background:
