- Improvements for the current iOS Client:
- Ability to view currently active visits
- Ability to edit patient details, like name, birthdate, address, etc.
- List of saved patients, with the ability to remove them from local storage
- Reposition the activity indicators to provide a better user experience. (having it on the top bar sometimes not easily observed or noticeable.)
- Automatic updating of saved patients (i.e. on every app launch with an internet connection)
- Better patient view, I.e. with tabs to switch between patient info, vitals, visits.
- Better app support & optimisations for the iPad
- Implement Two-Way Synchronisation for the Client – currently we let user's to select patients for offline usage. But after the offline usage the updated info doesnt get synced with the server.
- Integrate the code base with Travis CI.
- Implement ODKClinic Android App features in the iOS app.
- Ability to Download Forms from the OpenMRS server.
- Let the users to fill those forms in a Mobile friendly interface.
- Upload forms back to the server. (Sync.)
- The uploaded forms need to be viewable in OpenMRS server as Encounters.
Extra Credit
- Integrate "instabug" in-app feedback/bug reporting system in the app
- Integrate "flurry" analytics system in the app.
- Handling of network errors
- New Activity indicators
- Timer for refreshing patient data when viewing
- Your suggestions on how to improve the app - new ideas / features are welcomed!
Project Champions
- Yousef Hamza(IRC: yousefhamza)
- Parker Erway (IRC: perway)
- Harsha Siriwardena (IRC: harshadura)
- Ungku Zoe Ungku Fa'iz (IRC: uzanysa)
- Burke Mamlin (IRC: burke)
- iOS Client main wiki: https://wikiopenmrs.openmrsatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/docs/OpenMRS+iOS+Client
- ODKClinic
- Video on Completing OpenMRS Forms in ODK Collect
- Project wiki: https://code.google.com/p/opendatakit/wiki/ODKClinic
- Related mailing list discussion: https://groups.google.com/a/openmrs.org/forum/#!topic/dev/JeQ5uWCYTOM
- GSoC 2015 proposal: iOS Client Extensions Proposal