(Full Community Roadmap here)
- Frontend PRs: Dennis, Jayasanka, Ian
- Core, Platform PRs: Daniel, Ian, Raff
Project Problem/Team Name | Feature Complete Outpatient O3 | Managing Multiple Implementations at Scale Performance at Scale | IPS |
Problems To Solve |
| Make installing as easy as possible, without a dev team to deploy. Need something simpler than docker for non-tech deployers. | All OMRS FHIR resources are compliant with the IPS. However there are some things the IPS asks for that we don't yet have a story for: - 'medicationStatements' (pt-supplied med list). Need non-ordered Meds represented in our system.
- 'Procedures' - needs OMRS support (could be a clearly labelled concept set)
- Task resource - need to redesign how FHIR module implements tasks
- DiagnosticReports modelling
- Programs - eg episodeOfCare request from UgEMR - supposed to track pt across multiple encounters. Currently being used in contradicting ways.
Implementations need to be more involved in how we model things with FHIR↔OMRS data model because current FHIR modelling lead isn't directly involved in Implementations - e.g.: Diagnostic Reports: Supposed to be FHIR representation of a doc from the lab. We've gone back and forth on how that's implemented, eg as way of implementing obs groups → means diagnostic reports have become their own separate table which no one seems to be using. |
Frontend Team milestones |
| Review of the calls we're making and how we can make those much more efficient. |
QA Team milestones |
Backend Team milestones |
| Enhance REST API Performance (Fewer API calls needed): Instead of 40 requests from FE, want 1 request that carries multiple things. We have multiple APIs that can do that but need to be extended or refactored for higher quality. Eg: Encounter info bundling. Eg: Order basket: searching for a drug creates >40 requests instantly - won't function well under poor wifi. |
Recent Work Completed | Now
What We're Working on Today | Next
Next Priorities* |
Panel |
| Preliminary Security Scan Scanning OpenMRS 3 RefApp w BurpSuite Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Raff |
Panel |
| O3 Performance Spike (esm-core v5) Improvements to setup-OpenMRS, caching, FHIR query efficiency. Includes big release of esm-core v5 with breaking changes, and helping implementers migrate to this updated version of the O3 framework. Next: Service Worker, Caching mechanisms Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Ian |
| Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Dennis |
| Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Raff |
Panel |
| O3 Docs improvements Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Dennis |
Panel |
| Quality Gate #1: Smoke E2E tests run against O3 PRs Focus is on chromium browsers Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Jayasanka |
Panel |
| Increasing OCL Features & Deprecated Dictionary Manager Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | SURUCHI |
Panel |
| 2.6 Platform Release & Community Release Support Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | DANIEL |
| Thank you Herman!
Panel |
| 2.13 RefApp Release & Community Release Support Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | DANIEL |
| Thank you Juliet!
Panel |
| CI Pipeline updates for auto-dockerization All major builds in CI Pipeline now use Docker Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Raff |
Panel |
| Docker Images for Platform, RefApp 2.x, RefApp 3.x/O3 Auto-generated via CI pipeline Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Raff |
Panel |
| Support to Run OpenMRS on Mac M1 & M2 Chips (For Platform, Core, RefApp 2.x, RefApp O3) Current in Nightly Images Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Raff |
Panel |
| Community SSO & Auth Replacement Updating to Jira/Wiki Cloud is blocked by this. Experimenting with KeyCloak and LDAP options. (Demo on TAC Aug 17) Goal: transition to Atlassian Cloud by Sept. Current blocker: sending SAML NameID Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Jayasanka |
Panel |
| O3 Form Builder Improvements Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Dennis |
Panel |
| Faster O3 Auto-Setup on Local Improvements to SDK to automate rapid setup of O3 on dev machines Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | DANIEL |
| Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Yellow |
title | GSOC |
Panel |
| Patient Flags Module Performance & O3 readiness Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | DANIEL |
Panel |
| Quality Gate #2: Detailed E2E tests run against O3 build in CI via playwright Docker Container. Coverage of esm-pt-management and form-builder ongoing. Currently running only on GHA, next to add to Bamboo. Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Jayasanka |
| Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Anjula |
| Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | PIUMAL |
Panel |
| Helping an Implementer use our E2E test tactics ICAP-Ethiopia working with Anjula on implementing. Was blocked for a few weeks during their system migration. Trying to write at least unit and integration tests before end of fellowship. Risk mitigation done: Relevant infra is set up on their repo + docs ready. KenyaEMR very interested. Reviewed code. To f/u with their devs for form testing (which are currently tested manually). Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Anjula |
| |
Panel |
| Dockerized OpenMRS - Easier to Deploy, No more Dependency-Hell Updated dependencies on infra that is used to run on containers - makes straightforward to set up OpenMRS. Will reduce production implementation problems where the root cause was just a dependency on a different version # of Java, Maven, etc. Done: Cut CI Build time from 30 mins to 15 mins Dependency caching done so local instances should be faster too. Fine-tune hibernate config and other things in OMRS run-time-properties. Info about how to use the prefix to do this: ___(docs to come; mostly in core README)___ Next: Releases of OMRS Core & Platform maintenance versions that can be used in O3 & O2 RefApp releases. Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Raff |
Panel |
| All Releases to use Docker All major releases should auto-use Docker Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Raff |
Panel |
| Migrate CI Plans (Deployment Recipes) into GitHub for easier Implementer re-use No longer a black-box re. how to set up a CI pipeline when using OpenMRS software. Need to document how to do this so volunteers can help with integrating. Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Raff |
| Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Yellow |
title | Vols can Do |
Panel |
| Get CQL Engine to run several CDS Rules + Indicators Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | DANIEL |
| Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Suruchi |
Panel |
| ANC / MCH Decision Support User Research & Designs Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | SURUCHI |
| Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Paul |
| Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Ciaran |
Panel |
| Platform and backend module Community Support Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Daniel |
Panel |
| Bahmni PAT Attending and representing wider OMRS cmty Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | DANIEL |
Panel |
| O3 Priority Bug Fixes Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Vineet |
Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Dennis |
Panel |
| XStream Security Issue Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | RAFF |
| |
Panel |
| Security Scan Backlog Triage Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Raff |
Panel |
| Additional O3 Performance Improvements Next: Service Worker, Caching mechanisms Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Ian |
| Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Dennis |
| |
Panel |
| Update O3 RefApp Distro with maintenance improved Core Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Ian |
| Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Dennis |
| |
Panel |
| DX: Reduce Rebuild Times (20mins → ~2 min!) Ability to leverage Springboot by replacing the dynamic class/module loader with one that works at build time. Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Raff |
Panel |
| YouTube Docker-compose Tutorials How to do development with docker-compose (Similar approach helped scale SDK useage) Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Raff |
Panel |
| Get professional security review Auto-scanning stuff we're pretty good at; need a rigorous review next. Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | Grace |