Abstract :
As per the demand we would have to create new tags.
Implementation :
Just as how we have in the current implementation , <openmrs:hasPrivelege privileges = Add person , Edit person > for privileges we should create the same for role . and also avail this feature at the HTML form entry level.
patient exit from care .I need to discuss how does the mentor wish this to work .
Add checkbox multi-select to obs tag : Ihave already created a patch for this and currently writing a regression test case for it . HTML-92.
Add autocomplete search option to Encounter Provider and Encounter Location : this functionality already exists , we need to link it in HTML form entry , by creating an appropriate widget for it and registering it with the EncounterSubmissionElement.
We need to have a tag <autosave time= 15 sec> , which when included in the form should save the form after every 15 sec. The time should be configurable.