What's ChangedFeatures
(feat) O3-3579: Changing the styles for help menu and devtools by @Vijaykv5 in #1079
(feat) Tweak some core translations by @denniskigen in #1074
(feat) Add support for setting custom workspace title by @brandones in #1067
(feat) Enhancements to the OpenmrsDatePicker by @NethmiRodrigo in #1062
(feat) Workspaces should support having their own sidebar within them by @brandones in #1058
(feat) O3-1991: Enhancements and fixes for OMRS date picker by @ibacher in #1053
(feat) Improvements to workspace system styling (supports O3-3246) by @brandones in #1046
(feat) O3-3423: Allow user to change password by @ibacher in #1047
(feat) Add support for local configuration in development environment by @chibongho in #1044
(feat) O3-3416: Make useVisit() take in optional custom representation by @chibongho in #1042
(feat) O3-1991: Implement an OpenMRS Date Picker by @ibacher in #1041
(feat) O3-3370: In development mode, import maps should not use absolute URLs by @ibacher in #1032
(feat) O3-3183: ID number labels should not be tags by @Twiineenock in #1031
(feat) O3-3390: Implement the help menu by @Vijaykv5 in #1034
(feat) O3-3179: Change the styling of the patient banner for deceased patients by @jwnasambu in #1021
(feat) Better script loading error by @denniskigen in #1020
(feat) O3-3266: Add support for specifying optional backend dependencies by @ibacher in #1015
(feat) O3-3322 Add support for translation overrides in core translations by @donaldkibet in #1016
(feat) Add ability to navigate to patient chart on clicking related person name by @donaldkibet in #1013
(feat) Add additional properties for OpenmrsDatePicker in Carbon by @kajambiya in #1007
(feat) Improve app prompting logic and behaviour by @ibacher in #1006
(feat) O3-3249: Introduce helper function to get well-formatted patient display name. by @xprl-gjf in #1003
(feat) Add common typings for patient and person by @chibongho in #1001
(feat) Add CarbonMRS icon infrastructure and React components by @ibacher in #969
(feat) O3-2261: Add a back button to the location picker page by @usamaidrsk in #946
(refactor) Refactor modal files to match naming conventions by @denniskigen in #1049
Bug fixes
(fix) O3-3595: Use correct per-locale calendar in OpenmrsDatepicker by @kajambiya in #1081
(fix) subscribeToContext should send the current value of the context on subscribe by @ibacher in #1080
(fix) O3-3563: OpenmrsDatepicker should use calendar to calculate date values by @kajambiya in #1078
(fix) O3-3522: Replace module-local translations with core translations by @jwnasambu in #1075
(fix) Tweak change password form validation by @denniskigen in #1069
(fix) O3-3520: Clinical form loses information after opening another workspace (again) by @brandones in #1061
(fix) Fix broken workspace tests by @brandones in #1059
(fix) Fix invisible div bug in workspace system and add tablet animations by @brandones in #1057
(fix) Workspaces not maximizing; add workspace animations by @brandones in #1056
(fix) Ensure bottom nav border shows up by @brandones in #1055
(fix) O3-3401: Use optional chaining to safely unsubscribe from getCurrentUser observable by @vasharma05 in #1051
(fix) Replace deprecated substr() with slice() for string operations by @denniskigen in #1050
(fix) Restore PasswordInput value prop by @denniskigen in #1040
(fix) Properly set app shell public path by @ibacher in #1039
(fix) Rename some patient name utility functions by @brandones in #1038
(fix) Login page tweaks by @denniskigen in #1036
(fix) CarbonMRS icons should inherit CSS color by @ibacher in #1033
(fix) Apply geopattern styles to patient avatar conditionally by @denniskigen in #1030
(fix) O3-3353 Workspaces shouldn't lose information when hidden by @brandones in #1027
(fix) Fix config bug involving arrays of arrays. Supports O3-3336 by @brandones in #1022
(fix) O3-3339 Workspace overlay contents have whitespace problems by @kb019 in #1018
(fix) Minor improvements to workspaces and workspace tests, supporting O3-2724 by @brandones in #1017
(fix) Allow immutable arguments to config validators by @brandones in #1019
(fix) Remove double border from Patient Header details panel by @denniskigen in #1012
(fix) Follow-up to #969: fix bug where workspaces don't close by @brandones in #1011
(fix) O3-3249: Export esm-utils patient-helper functions as mocks. by @xprl-gjf in #1010
(fix) O3-3249 Add missed dependency on @types/fhir for esm-utils. by @xprl-gjf in #1009
(fix) O3-3265: Tweak Patient Header UI by @denniskigen in #1008
(fix) Exclusions should be applied before new modules are added by @ibacher in #1005
(fix) Ethiopia datepicker to resolve default, min and max values correctly by @kajambiya in #996
(fix) O3-2768: Display error in case there are no locations by @trevor-james-nangosha in #906
(chore) Release v5.7.0 by @denniskigen in #1082
(chore) Update translations from Transifex by @github-actions in #1077
(chore) Add docstrings and remove dead code from workspace by @brandones in #1070
(chore) Update translations from Transifex by @github-actions in #1068
(chore) Add remote caching to E2E workflow using turborepo-gh-artifacts by @denniskigen in #1065
(chore) Switch turborepo back to streaming UI by @brandones in #1060
(chore) Update translations from Transifex by @github-actions in #1054
(chore) Update translations from Transifex by @github-actions in #1043
(chore) Bump turborepo by @denniskigen in #1037
(chore) Fix styleguide config access by @denniskigen in #1029
(chore) Export styleguide config type from Core by @denniskigen in #1026
(chore) Type fix for getDefaultsFromConfigSchema by @brandones in #1023
(chore) Export actual ConfigurableLink implementation from mock by @denniskigen in #1014
(chore) Increase default test timeout in framework by @denniskigen in #1004
(chore) Restore
mock by @denniskigen in #1002(chore) Update translations from Transifex by @github-actions in #980
(test) Fix flaky Login E2E test by @jayasanka-sack in #1072
(docs) Improvements to the login app configuration schema by @denniskigen in #1035
New Contributors
@trevor-james-nangosha made their first contribution in #906
@NethmiRodrigo made their first contribution in #1062
@miirochristopher made their first contribution in #1076
Full Changelog: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-esm-core/compare/v5.6.0...v5.7.0
What's ChangedFeatures
(feat) Improvements to workspace system styling (supports O3-3246) by @brandones in #208
(feat) Add styling to accommodate metric tiles on the home page by @arodidev in #214
(chore) Bump yarn and turbo by @denniskigen in #212
(chore) Update translations from Transifex by @github-actions in #210
(chore) Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 by @dependabot in #207
(chore) Bump ws from 7.5.9 to 7.5.10 by @dependabot in #206
(chore) Update translations from Transifex by @github-actions in #200
New contributors
Full Changelog: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-esm-home/compare/v5.3.0...v5.4.0
Patient chart(opens in a new tab)
What's changedBreaking changes
(BREAKING) O3-1422 / O3-2724: Move workspace system into the framework by @brandones in #1796
New features
(feat) O3-2647: Add ability to add lab results and view within orders widget by @pirupius in #1731
(feat) Only show diagnoses concepts in visit notes diagnosis search by @nanfuka in #1742
(feat) Reuse upcoming appointment work to mark appointments as
Checked in
by @donaldkibet in #1743(feat) Disable encounter date field when pre-filled by @icrc-jofrancisco in #1747
(feat) O3-2627: Remove leading dot from allowedExtensions MIME types config by @icrc-loliveira in #1780
(feat) O3-3084: Sort fetched tests alphabetically in the lab order search inside the order basket by @vasharma05 in #1797
(feat) O3-3077: Add validation to restrict users from initiating future visits by @donaldkibet in #1793
(feat) Update Angular form engine translations by @denniskigen in #1801
(feat) O3-3112: Add form collapse toggle to the
by @usamaidrsk in #1814(feat) O3-3133: Adapt cancel logic in the react form engine workspace by @denniskigen in #1816
(feat) O3 3128: Add extension slots to lab and drug order forms by @donaldkibet in #1818
(feat) O3-2626: Add useAllowedFileExtensions hook to Common Lib by @denniskigen in #1824
(feat) O3-3156: Submitting the start visit form should mutate appointments by @mogoodrich in #1825
(feat) O3-3158: Conditionally render Patient Header in the Start Visit form by @mogoodrich in #1823
(refactor) O3-2831: Move patient banner into styleguide by @brandones in #1645
(refactor) Refactor move patient to next queue in visit header to ali… by @makombe in #1735
(refactor) Remove duplicate type from SingleSpaProps type annotation by @denniskigen in #1760
(refactor) Update PatientProgram interface to display program workflows and states by @CynthiaKamau in #1820
(refactor) O3-2626: Reuse useAllowedFileExtensions hook from Common Lib by @denniskigen in #1827
(refactor) O3-2891: Refactor Patient Appointments ESM into Appointments ESM by @mogoodrich in #1739
Bug fixes
(fix) 03-2959: Update E2E tests for clinical forms workspace by @chimanwadike in #1732
(fix) O3-2969: The vitals table doesn't display warnings for abnormal values after the first page by @mccarthyaaron in #1738
(fix) Various fixes for the visit notes form by @denniskigen in #1744
(fix) O3-2977: Make the end date field editable for inactive conditions by @denniskigen in #1750
(fix) O3-2978: Update E2E test steps for attachment workflow by @kdaud in #1758
(fix) O3-2627: Improvements to the visit notes image upload functionality by @jwnasambu in #1748
(fix) O3-2937: Make clinical status mandatory in the conditions form by @denniskigen in #1757
(fix) O3-2657: Show inline errors when saving orders fails by @usamaidrsk in #1667
(fix) O3-2604: Add a “refresh data“ button to the test results viewer by @jwnasambu in #1671
(fix) O3-3046: Allow sorting by date in vitals and biometrics table by @vasharma05 in #1775
(fix) O3-2813 disable test type edit when modifying lab orders by @pirupius in #1782
(fix) O3-3046: Updated the interpretation keys for vital signs matching table headers by @vasharma05 in #1791
(fix) O3-2975: Encounter datetime should not be sent when saving vitals and biometrics form by @vasharma05 in #1790
(fix) O3-3093: React form engine workspace should close after submitting a form by @vasharma05 in #1804
(fix) Use order reasons should correctly chunk concept references and load all of them by @ibacher in #1813
(fix) O3-3133: Clicking the cancel button should not close the workspace by @denniskigen in #1815
(fix) O3-2852: Fix the viewport size of the Start Visit form on a tablet by @Madhu-mac in #1765
(fix) O3-3158: Follow-up commit fixing patientUuid sometimes undefined by @ibacher in #1831
(fix) O3-3196: Fix diagnoses tags display on tablet by @denniskigen in #1834
(fix) O3-3195: Fix rendering logic for the weight tile by @jona42-ui in #1835
(fix) Return encounter type uuid from encounter type object by @arodidev in #1836
(fix) O3-3046: Allow sorting vitals, biometrics and conditions rows based on different sort functions by @vasharma05 in #1779
(fix) O3-2717: Form workspace shrinks when opened while on the Vitals & Biometrics page by @mccarthyaaron in #1745
(chore) Bump @openmrs/ngx-formentry by @icrc-loliveira in #1740
(chore) Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6 by @dependabot in #1736
(chore) Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 by @dependabot in #1753
(chore) Bump @openmrs/ngx-formentry by @icrc-loliveira in #1752
(chore) Bump @openmrs/ngx-formentry by @icrc-jofrancisco in #1769
(chore) Separate linting and formatting concerns by @denniskigen in #1774
(chore) Update translations from Transifex by @github-actions in #1707
(chore) Add Eslint Rule to validate exhaustive deps on React hooks by @hadijahkyampeire in #1773
(chore) Flag rules-of-hooks lint violations by @denniskigen in #1784
(chore) Update translations from Transifex by @github-actions in #1776
(chore) Bump @openmrs/ngx-formentry by @vasharma05 in #1788
(chore) Bump @openmrs/esm-form-engine-app by @CynthiaKamau in #1789
(chore) Remove orders widget feature flag by @pirupius in #1787
(chore) Bump Angular form engine by @denniskigen in #1799
(chore) Bump
by @vasharma05 in #1807(chore) Bump @openmrs/openmrs-form-engine-lib by @denniskigen in #1808
(chore) O3-3114: Bump react form engine by @CynthiaKamau in #1809
(chore) Clean up unused webpack config and bumps engine by @pirupius in #1810
(chore) Bump form-engine with added translations by @vasharma05 in #1811
(chore) Bump react form engine by @denniskigen in #1817
(chore) Bump ejs from 3.1.9 to 3.1.10 by @dependabot in #1819
(chore) Bump form-engine lib by @samuelmale in #1828
(chore) Bump form-engine lib by @samuelmale in #1829
(chore) Bump React form engine and yarn by @denniskigen in #1837
(chore) Bump express from 4.18.1 to 4.19.2 by @dependabot in #1759
(chore) Bump tar from 6.1.12 to 6.2.1 by @dependabot in #1786
(chore) Release v8.0.0 by @denniskigen in #1839
(docs) O3-2891: Refactor Patient Appointments ESM docs from the Patient chart by @kdaud in #1746
(docs) O3-2416: Move E2E docs from the README to the O3 docs testing guide by @piyushmishra1416 in #1770
(test) O3-2943: Add e2e test for the immunization recording workflow by @kdaud in #1728
(test) O3-2939: Explicitly break down E2E tests steps in patient-chart to mimic user experience by @kdaud in #1721
(test) O3-2978: Add E2E test for attachments workflow by @kdaud in #1749
(test) O3-3000: Add E2E tests for editing and deleting an allergy by @kdaud in #1761
(test) O3-2947: Add an E2E test for the test results viewer by @chimanwadike in #1737
(test) Remove mock implementations of usePagination by @denniskigen in #1777
(test) O3-3040: Add E2E test for adding a visit note by @kdaud in #1783
(test) O3-3040: Add delete test case in the visit note workflow by @kdaud in #1785
(test) Refactor lab orders E2E test by @denniskigen in #1803
(test) Split lab test step for saving the form by @kdaud in #1805
New contributors
@chimanwadike made their first contribution in #1732
@piyushmishra1416 made their first contribution in #1770
@Madhu-mac made their first contribution in #1765
Full changelog: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-esm-patient-chart/compare/7.1.0...v8.0.0
Patient management(opens in a new tab)
What's ChangedFeatures
(feat) O3-3613: Add Ward App to Left Hand Nav by @mogoodrich in #1232
(feat) O3-3246: Ward app - open patient record in workspace by @brandones in #1226
(feat) O3-3502: Ward app - add REST calls and datatypes for inpatient endpoints in EMR API by @chibongho in #1219
(feat) O3-3222: Ward app - add patient card element to include risk factor obs within the current visi by @chibongho in #1211
(feat) O3-3475: Ward app - update to use latest backend bed-management module by @chibongho in #1207
(feat) O3-3080: Improvements to the location dropdown in the service queues page by @vasharma05 in #1195
(feat) O3-3215: Ward app - add patient card element to display obs f… by @chibongho in #1193
(feat) O3-3224: Ward app - add button, workspace, and configurable card to view admission / transfer requests by @kb019 in #1191
(feat) O3-3210: Ward app - configuration system for ward patient cards by @chibongho in #1184
(feat) O3-3380: Disable appointment duration required validation, if all day appointment is selected by @donaldkibet in #1174
(feat) O3-3371: Queue services duplicates during queue transition by @donaldkibet in #1173
(feat) O3-3375: Align visit form queue fields to work in visit start form on patient chart by @donaldkibet in #1172
(feat) O3-3301: Make bedmagement module an optional backend dependency by @kb019 in #1170
(feat) O3-2473: Service Queues - Visit Type selector fails and is not needed by @brandones in #1169
(feat) O3-2467: Service Queue - Back to scheduled visits by @usamaidrsk in #1168
(feat) O3-3352: Appointments: Add configuration property to determine… by @mogoodrich in #1165
(feat) Add optional Date appointment issued field to the appointment form by @ojwanganto in #1164
(feat) O3-3179: Change the styling of the patient banner for deceased patients by @jwnasambu in #1163
(feat) O3-3122: Improve UI for Queue by status view in the service queues by @vasharma05 in #1158
(feat) O3-2991: Support capturing date type observations in the registration form by @kajambiya in #1155
(feat) O3-3097: Add status filter and replace queue filter with service on the default service table by @vasharma05 in #1154
(feat) O3-3207: Navigate to appointments on clicking day section from appointments calendar by @usamaidrsk in #1153
(feat) O3-3054: Ward app - render empty beds by @chibongho in #1151
(feat) O3-3207: Navigate to appointments by day from appointments calendar by @usamaidrsk in #1148
(feat) O3-3083: Show skeletons when loading queues and queue locations by @vasharma05 in #1144
(feat) Show a locale-specific datepicker for Amharic and Tigrinya locales by @kajambiya in #1140
(feat) O3-3197: Initial ward app by @chibongho in #1139
(feat) O3-3200: Service queues - allow manually enter and edit the d… by @chibongho in #1136
(feat) O3-2724: Move service-queue overlays into the framework by @brandones in #1003
(refactor) Refactor modals to match naming conventions by @denniskigen in #1198
Bug fixes
(fix) O3-3611: Disable automatic selection of upcoming appointment by @makombe in #1231
(fix) O3-3523: Refetch queue entry data when the search criteria changes by @vasharma05 in #1224
(fix) O3-3524: Add wrapping functions to write value in session storage by @vasharma05 in #1223
(fix) O3-3519: Identifier source should be mapped to the defined identifierType only by @vasharma05 in #1222
(fix) O3-3222: Make coded obs not appear duplicated by @chibongho in #1221
(fix) O3-3533 & O3-3535: Improvements to previous implementation for O3-3224 by @vasharma05 in #1217
(fix) O3-3494: Date Mismatch Issue on Patient Registration by @kajambiya in #1216
(fix) Replace deprecated displayName with getPatientName by @denniskigen in #1215
(fix) Update onChange function in obs date field by @NethmiRodrigo in #1214
(fix) O3-3470: Update date picker props and add mock for date picker by @NethmiRodrigo in #1212
(fix) O3-3418: service queues fails to re-fetch after delete ops by @PiusKariuki in #1210
(fix) Light theme for estimated DOB fields in the patient registration form by @vasharma05 in #1206
(fix) Remove implementation-specific default identifier types by @denniskigen in #1200
(fix) O3-2827: Appointments: Refactor (Part I ?) by @mogoodrich in #1199
(fix) Improvements to workspace system styling (supports O3-3246) by @brandones in #1194
(fix) O3-3301: Register bedmanagement-module feature flag and relax backend dependen… by @chibongho in #1192
(fix) Fix service queues workspace names by @brandones in #1189
(fix) O3-2998: Fix previous date being selected on monthly calendar view Appointment Form by @usamaidrsk in #1187
(fix) O3-3398: Combine the translation for Create New Patient/ Edit Patient by @vasharma05 in #1186
(fix) O3-2878: Appointment Scheduler Allows Creation of Duplicate App… by @mogoodrich in #1185
(fix) Fix duplicate translations by @denniskigen in #1180
(fix) O3-3199: Service Queues - queue table not updated after transitioning a queue entry by @brandones in #1178
(fix) O3-3336: Service Queues - fix extension column by @chibongho in #1177
(fix) O3-2955: Follow-up to fix bugs by @brandones in #1171
(fix) Use correct concept UUID for registration form image uploads by @denniskigen in #1167
(fix) O3-3336: Fix up service queue table schema by @brandones in #1166
(fix) O3-2955: Add patient to queue defaults to the first queue at the currently selected location by @brandones in #1162
(fix) O3-2724: Follow-up to fix crash on displayName by @brandones in #1161
(fix) O3-3171: follow-up to fix Replace overlays in the Appointments app by @kb019 in #1160
(fix) O3-2956: Service queues - Sort queues/locations/services alphabetically wherever we list them by @brandones in #1159
(fix) O3-3206: Fix the queue entries for followed queue entries responses by @vasharma05 in #1157
(fix) O3-3290: Resolve flickering scroll bar issue in service queues table by @Twiineenock in #1152
(fix) O3-3273: Scheduled appointments card always shows "Not arrived' even for past dates by @mccarthyaaron in #1150
(fix) O3-3284: Use formatted patient display name throughout esm-service-queues-app by @xprl-gjf in #1143
(fix) O3-3284: Use formatted patient display name throughout esm-appointments-app by @xprl-gjf in #1142
(fix) O3-3284: Use formatted patient display name throughout esm-patient-search-app by @xprl-gjf in #1141
(fix) O3-3171 Replace overlays in the Appointments app by @kb019 in #1133
(fix) O3-3167: The recurring-appointment end date field does not get focused when it is required and the form does not submit by @mccarthyaaron in #1132
(fix) O3-2505: Replace multiple requests to
with one call by @jwnasambu in #1122(fix) Fix queue number not being displayed by @makombe in #1117
(fix) O3-2120: Move
patient search identifier todefaultIdentifierTypes
by @usamaidrsk in #1061(fix) O3-2878: Avoided Scheduling Duplicate Appointment Form by @senthil-k8s in #1010
(chore) Add remote caching to E2E workflow using turborepo-gh-artifacts by @denniskigen in #1225
(chore) Update translations from Transifex by @github-actions in #1201
(chore) Bump turbo by @denniskigen in #1179
(chore) Update translations from Transifex by @github-actions in #1097
(test) Add testing-related plugins to ESLint config by @denniskigen in #1227
New contributors
@kajambiya made their first contribution in #1140
@Twiineenock made their first contribution in #1152
@ojwanganto made their first contribution in #1164
@NethmiRodrigo made their first contribution in #1212
@PiusKariuki made their first contribution in #1210
Full Changelog: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-esm-patient-management/compare/v7.0.0...v7.1.0
Form builder(opens in a new tab)
What's ChangedNew features 🚀
(feat) O3-3218: Make the schema validation(block/allow) render a configuration by @gitcliff in #271
(feat) O3-3341: Add the ability to restore deleted questions by @denniskigen in #283
(feat) O3-3140: Add
question type with custom validator by @gitcliff in #264(feat) O3-3351 Add support for obs comments in the form builder inter… by @CynthiaKamau in #285
(feat) O3-3355 Add support for inline date in the form builder intera… by @CynthiaKamau in #286
(feat) O3-3357: Support editing person attributes in the Edit question modal by @gitcliff in #287
(feat) O3-3368: Support editing encounterDatetime fields in the edit question modal by @gitcliff in #289
(feat) O3-3405: Support creating time rendering questions using interactive builder by @NethmiRodrigo in #303
(feat) O3-3342: Add support for program states in form builder by @CynthiaKamau in #284
Bug fixes 🐛
(fix) O3-3254: Remove trailing slash from uploadSchema request by @denniskigen in #275
(fix) Set serialized schema blob MIME type to
by @denniskigen in #276(fix) O3-3272: Fix question deletion logic in the interactive builder by @denniskigen in #280
(fix) O3-3271: Fix Question Position Changes on Edit in Form Builder by @NethmiRodrigo in #281
(fix) Rename datePickerType prop to datePickerFormat by @NethmiRodrigo in #290
(fix) Lift up showSchemaSaveWarning state by @denniskigen in #293
(fix) Reorder fields in the Edit question modal by @denniskigen in #295
(fix) Fixed program workflow question on edit mode by @CynthiaKamau in #301
(fix) Fix styling of the program state tag container by @denniskigen in #305
(fix) Use state uuid as opposed to concept uuid in program state inte… by @CynthiaKamau in #313
(fix) Reset previous errors on schema update by @samuelmale in #316
(fix) Fix modal header close button styles by @denniskigen in #317
Tests 🧪
(test) Add testing-related plugins to ESLint config by @denniskigen in #312
Refactors 🚧
(refactor) Render modals using the modal system by @NethmiRodrigo in #288
(refactor) Refactor modal files to match naming conventions by @denniskigen in #300
(refactor) Refactor modals to use the modal system by @denniskigen in #302
Housekeeping 🧹
(chore) Bump dependencies by @denniskigen in #274
(chore) Bump react form engine by @samuelmale in #277
(Chore) Add Encounter Role type in the form builder question types. by @hadijahkyampeire in #278
(chore) Fix
version to 1.37.0 by @denniskigen in #282(chore) Bump turbo by @denniskigen in #291
(chore) Bump core tooling by @denniskigen in #294
(chore) Bump React Form Engine by @NethmiRodrigo in #298
(chore) Bump react form engine by @denniskigen in #299
(chore) Add remote caching to E2E workflow using turborepo-gh-artifacts by @denniskigen in #308
(chore) Bump yarn and turbo by @denniskigen in #310
(chore) Updates carbon dependency to match FE lib requirement by @pirupius in #309
(chore) Bump React Form Engine library by @samuelmale in #315
(chore) Update rfe and framework by @NethmiRodrigo in #314
(chore) Release v2.6.0 by @NethmiRodrigo in #318
(chore) Bump ws from 7.5.9 to 7.5.10 by @dependabot in #307
(chore) Bump @babel/traverse from 7.20.1 to 7.24.7 by @dependabot in #306
Docs 📖
(docs) Add steps on debugging E2E tests using Playwright Inspector by @denniskigen in #304
New Contributors
@NethmiRodrigo made their first contribution in #281
@CynthiaKamau made their first contribution in #285
@dependabot made their first contribution in #307
Thank you to all contributors for embodying the spirit of 'write code. save lives' in every line committed. Your commitment to OpenMRS is invaluable and truly makes a difference in healthcare worldwide. ❤️
Full Changelog: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-esm-form-builder/compare/v2.5.0...v2.6.0
Angular form engine(opens in a new tab)
What's changed⭐️ Features
(feat) Add export subpaths for styles by @denniskigen in #105
(feat) Remove some cruft and unused dependencies by @denniskigen in #113
(feat) Add form navigation links by @denniskigen in #119
(feat) bootstrap date component to support showing
picker by @donaldkibet in #120(feat) Improved field validation UX by @denniskigen in #118
(feat) Make datepicker placeholder aware of datePickerFormat input by @denniskigen in #121
(feat) Only show navigation buttons on multi-page forms by @denniskigen in #123
(feat) Added support for translations on form navigation links labels by @icrc-psousa in #126
(feat) Enable readonly radio buttons by @donaldkibet in #109
(feat) Add decimal rendering type by @denniskigen in #127
(feat) Enhancement on navigation button style by @icrc-jofrancisco in #132
(feat) O3-2972: Add disallow decimals validator by @denniskigen in #135
(feat) Lengthy dropdown option text should be wrapped in multiple lines by @vasharma05 in #106
🐛 Bug fixes
(fix) Better handling of diagnoses by @icrc-psousa in #103
(fix) Resolved issue with incorrect voided diagnosis in the generated payload by @icrc-psousa in #107
(fix) Fix ng-select dropdown position by @denniskigen in #108
(fix) Clear values of hidden fields by @icrc-jofrancisco in #110
(fix) Fix date picker styles in Form Entry preview by @denniskigen in #112
(fix) O3-2763: Fix overflow issue affecting multi-select fields by @elimm in #122
(fix) O3-2870: Form navigation fixes for RTL languages by @elimm in #124
(fix) Fix lab orders UI in clinical forms by @denniskigen in #128
(fix) O3-2872: Fix inconsistent data when editing obsGroups in an encounter by @icrc-loliveira in #125
(fix) O3-2872: Fixed multiselect in obsgroup by @icrc-loliveira in #130
(fix) Remove hidden fields from patient identifier question types by @donaldkibet in #129
(fix) O3-3001: Form engine shouldn't send encounterDatetime when saving a new form by @vasharma05 in #131
🧹 Housekeeping
(chore) Bump Angular to v16 by @denniskigen in #111
(chore) Separate linting and formatting concerns by @denniskigen in #133
(chore) Launch browser automatically on
ng serve
by @denniskigen in #134
🧪 Tests
(test) Improve AppComponent tests by @denniskigen in #114
(test) Add unit tests for CheckboxControlComponent by @denniskigen in #115
(test) Add unit tests for RadioButtonControlComponent by @denniskigen in #116
(test) Add unit tests for NumberInputComponent by @denniskigen in #117
New contributors
Full Changelog: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-ngx-formentry/compare/v5.0.0...v5.1.0
React form engine(opens in a new tab)
What's ChangedNew features
(feat) O3-3252: Form engine UI improvements by @denniskigen in #282
(feat) O3-3239 Add support for program enrollments using meta tag by @CynthiaKamau in #277
(feat) Support for an capturing encounter role. by @hadijahkyampeire in #279
(feat) O3-3106 - Revitalise support for program workflows to enrolments by @CynthiaKamau in #273
(feat) Implement the inline date picker with showDate and shownDateOptions by @hadijahkyampeire in #285
(feat) O3-3165: Add modal confirmation modal when deleting repeated question by @NethmiRodrigo in #267
(feat)03-3389: Support Orientation Options for Radio Buttons by @gitcliff in #314
(feat) O3-2491: Add support for a time picker by @NethmiRodrigo in #312
(feat) O3-3117: Add ability to view multi-select answers with fewer options by @CynthiaKamau in #232
(feat) O3-3061: Support for conditional answered validation by @arodidev in #297
(feat) O3-3058: Add the inline notification by @reagan-meant in #245
(feat) O3-3444 - Disable an answer within a question referencing an answer within that same question by @arodidev in #336
(feat) Introduce locale/Openmrs datepicker by @kajambiya in #286
(feat) O3-3161 Capture obs comments by @CynthiaKamau in #290
(feat) O3-3481 Adds option to display multi-checkbox inline by @pirupius in #331
(refactor) O3-3297: Refactor select concept answers by @arodidev in #289
(refactor) 03-3338 :Refactor extraction of previous value to the section component. by @gitcliff in #303
(refactor)03-3321: Move encounter role(s) logic to the encounter-form component by @gitcliff in #300
(refactor) Remove redundant "value" state derived from the "previous value" by @gitcliff in #306
Bug fixes
(fix) 03-3126 : Aligning field width within an an obs-group by @gitcliff in #239
(fix) revise logic for saving attachments by @arodidev in #270
(fix) O3-3166 Use a custom encounter representation post encounter submission by @CynthiaKamau in #281
(fix) Fix error caused by referencing an undefined patient object by @samuelmale in #288
(fix) make visit information available within expression context by @arodidev in #269
(fix) Miscellaneous fixes by @samuelmale in #291
(fix) follow-up fix for file attachment logic by @arodidev in #295
(fix) Group patient states by Program by @samuelmale in #294
(fix) Ensure form fields are initialised with all base validators by @samuelmale in #274
(fix) Consistently style multi-select field labels by @samuelmale in #304
(fix) fix for failing calcGravida expression by @arodidev in #307
(fix) Restrict schema transformer mutations to 'ui-select-extended' rendering on encounter-date fields by @samuelmale in #308
(fix) O3-3377: error on bootstrapping attachment field on edit mode by @arodidev in #311
(fix) O3-3384: Fix time difference result not displaying when time difference < 1 by @arodidev in #309
(fix) O3-3350: Resolve dropdown re-rendering bug in the tablet viewport by @denniskigen in #313
(fix) O3-2168: Concept reference chunk size depends on REST
property by @vasharma05 in #259(fix) O3-3378: Revise logic for expanding and collapsing a section by @arodidev in #310
(fix) O3-3402 Display correct locale date format in view mode by @kajambiya in #323
(fix) O3-3379 Drug Rendering displays incorrect repeated obs-group lists by @CynthiaKamau in #320
(fix)03:3407 Fix styling of single-page forms in a maximized workspace by @gitcliff in #325
(fix) Add unique key prop to field component instances by @samuelmale in #328
(fix) O3-3350: Resolve infinite re-rendering of the dropdown component in the tablet viewport by @samuelmale in #326
(fix): Update props of OpenmrsDatePicker by @NethmiRodrigo in #330
(Fix) Use size 100 for the references chunk size to append to the url. by @hadijahkyampeire in #335
(fix) O3-3417: Disable save button while loading form dependencies by @arodidev in #340
(fix) O3-2252: Calculated values shouldn't be overwritten by the Encounter's values by @CynthiaKamau in #318
(fix) O3-3532: Fix broken UI on collapsing and reopening form sections by @kajambiya in #341
(fix): Fix styling issues in the OpenmrsDatePicker by @NethmiRodrigo in #345
(fix) Update form fetch request to return the latest form by uuid or name by @CynthiaKamau in #342
(fix) Reworked logic for gravida calculation by @arodidev in #337
(chore) Bump @types/react and formik by @denniskigen in #278
(chore) Bump dependencies by @denniskigen in #280
(chore) Bump core tooling by @denniskigen in #322
(chore) Bump core and turbo by @NethmiRodrigo in #343
(chore) Bump turborepo by @denniskigen in #319
(test) Add tests for the patient identifier handler by @gitcliff in #268
(test) Adding test coverage for the encounter provider handler by @gitcliff in #302
(test) Adding test coverage for the encounter role handler by @gitcliff in #301
(test) Adding test coverage for encounter location handler by @gitcliff in #305
(test):Adding test coverage for expression parser functions by @gitcliff in #317
(test):Conditional answered validator test coverage by @gitcliff in #338
(test):Adding some test coverage for form-helper functions by @gitcliff in #332
New Contributors
@hadijahkyampeire made their first contribution in #279
@NethmiRodrigo made their first contribution in #267
@brandones made their first contribution in #346
Full Changelog: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-form-engine-lib/compare/v2.0.0...v2.10
Fast data entry(opens in a new tab)
What's Changed
(feat) Improved form dashboard error and empty states by @ZacButko in #8
(feat) Better state management, now supports editing by @ZacButko in #10
(feat) Advanced Workflow State Management by @ZacButko in #15
(feat) Persist form session, New patient form flow by @ZacButko in #22
(feat) Workflow Submit and Cancel Buttons by @ZacButko in #23
(feat) Fix/pre release - add git user for ci pipeline by @ZacButko in #33
(feat) Adds explicit .npmignore to just ignore dotfiles by @ibacher in #36
(feat) Make openmrs tooling work locally by bumping package versions. by @manuelroemer in #41
(feat) Individual Session Visit by @icrc-psousa in #43
(feat) French translations added by @icrc-jofrancisco in #50
(feat) Groups Session Visit by @icrc-psousa in #48
(feat) Reviewed styling by @icrc-psousa in #56
(feat) Save and load distinct workflows per logged user by @icrc-psousa in #47
(feat) Group edit by @icrc-psousa in #49
(feat) Migrate esm-fast-data-entry to use routes.json by @ibacher in #60
(feat) Automatically update translation files for all locales when keys and strings change by @vasharma05 in #59
(feat) Add Arabic translations by @michaelbontyes in #66
(feat) Add support for pre-filled questions by @icrc-jofrancisco in #70
(feat) Replace usages of /ws/rest/v1 with restBaseUrl by @jwnasambu in #73
(feat) Add session and cohort identifiers for group sessions by @icrc-jofrancisco in #72
(feat) Patient name sorting by @icrc-psousa in #76
(feat) Fixed last patient form duplication by @icrc-loliveira in #79
(fix) Tests and types should be cooperating by @ZacButko in #6
(fix) Rename app menu link component by @denniskigen in #26
(fix) Only Form Name row should be sortable by @denniskigen in #45
(fix) Add French Label for App Menu Link by @icrc-jofrancisco in #51
(fix) Trigger formentry slot refresh by @icrc-psousa in #53
(fix) Fixed from entry app not properly reloading by @icrc-psousa in #55
(fix) Allow form to be resubmitted after validation errors by @icrc-psousa in #57
(fix) Refined submit encounter and visit creation by @icrc-jofrancisco in #71
(fix) Patient search regression and hardcoded labels by @icrc-jofrancisco in #74
(fix) Inconsistent dates between session date and encounter date by @icrc-jofrancisco in #77
(fix) Resolve issue preventing addition of patients to existing groups by @icrc-psousa in #81
(chore) Better peer dependency syntax, Remove Cruft by @ZacButko in #28
(chore)Husky fix: Replaced prepare with postinstall by @vasharma05 in #42
(chore) Bump @openmrs/esm-framework by @icrc-psousa in #58
(chore) Update to newer versions of openmrs and @openmrs/esm-framework by @denniskigen in #61
(chore) Spanish translations added by @icrc-jofrancisco in #65
(chore) Mark SWR as a peer dependency by @denniskigen in #67
(chore) Migrate to newer transifex version by @jona42-ui in #68
(chore) Bump dependencies and setup tooling by @denniskigen in #64
(chore) Add cohort type in group sessions by @icrc-jofrancisco in #80
(chore) Configure prettier by @denniskigen in #82
(chore) Release v1.0.0 by @vasharma05 in #83
New Contributors
@denniskigen made their first contribution in #26
@manuelroemer made their first contribution in #41
@vasharma05 made their first contribution in #42
@icrc-psousa made their first contribution in #43
@icrc-jofrancisco made their first contribution in #50
@michaelbontyes made their first contribution in #66
@jwnasambu made their first contribution in #73
@jona42-ui made their first contribution in #68
@icrc-loliveira made their first contribution in #79
Full Changelog: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-esm-fast-data-entry-app/commits/v1.0.0
Medication dispensing(opens in a new tab)
What's ChangedNew features 🚀
(feat) O3-3259 Add ability to deduct stock items while performing dispensing medication by @donaldkibet in #107
(feat) O3-3557 : ensure selectable batches have sufficient quantities for dispensing by @FelixKiprotich350 in #108
Bug fixes 🐛
(fix) O3-3557: Ensure selectable batches have sufficient quantities f… by @mogoodrich in #109
(fix) Fix the auto change of dispensing quantity when a batch is selected-recreated pr by @FelixKiprotich350 in #111
(fix) Fix reverseal of autochange quantity commit and removed unused code by @FelixKiprotich350 in #112
Housekeeping 🧹
(chore) Bump framework by @NethmiRodrigo in #113
(chore) Release v1.4.0 by @NethmiRodrigo in #114
New Contributors
@donaldkibet made their first contribution in #107
@FelixKiprotich350 made their first contribution in #108
Thank you to all contributors for embodying the spirit of 'write code. save lives' in every line committed. Your commitment to OpenMRS is invaluable and truly makes a difference in healthcare worldwide. ❤️
Full Changelog: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-esm-dispensing-app/compare/v1.3.2...v1.4.0
Cohort builder(opens in a new tab)
What's changed‼️ Breaking changes
⭐️ New features
(feat) O3-1300: Implement search by concept component by @anjula-sack in #2
(feat) O3 1302: Implement the Search History component by @anjula-sack in #8
(feat) O3-1303: Implement the search by demographics and person attributes feature by @anjula-sack in #10
(feat) O3-1304: Implement the search by encounters and search by location feature by @anjula-sack in #11
(feat) O3-1305: Implement the search by enrollments feature by @anjula-sack in #14
(feat) O3-1309: Implement the search definitions feature by @anjula-sack in #16
(feat) O3-1306: Implement the search by drug order feature by @anjula-sack in #19
(feat) O3-1445: Add search composition feature by @anjula-sack in #20
(feat) Add Cohort Builder link to the app menu by @denniskigen in #30
(feat) Wrap empty state tile in a layer for better contrast by @denniskigen in #31
(feat) Synchronously load extensions and pages by @denniskigen in #68
🐛 Bug fixes
(fix) O3-1446: Fix the infinite API calls issue by @anjula-sack in #18
(fix) O3-1471: Add css to fix the broken UI layout by @anjula-sack in #22
(fix) O3-1472: Fix the tests that were skipped due to the migration by @anjula-sack in #23
(fix) O3-1482: Wrap the global selectors with a custom class by @anjula-sack in #24
(fix) O3-1531: Fix the create composition query function by @anjula-sack in #26
(fix) Add missing cohort builder admin page card extension by @denniskigen in #49
🔨 Refactors
(refactor) O3-1394: Update the UI according to the new design by @anjula-sack in #9
(refactor) O3-1417: Use SWR for data fetching by @anjula-sack in #12
(refactor) O3-1443: Improve the tablet and small desktop layout by @anjula-sack in #17
(refactor) O3-1513: Remove SQL tab from the side navbar by @anjula-sack in #25
(refactor) Use classnames to apply multiple classes by @denniskigen in #69
(refactor) Replace usages of /ws/rest/v1 with restBaseUrl by @jwnasambu in #71
🧪 Tests
(test) O3-1385: Write unit tests to test the components by @anjula-sack in #7
(test) O3-2269: Configure E2E tests with playwright by @anjula-sack in #51
(test) O3-2271: Write the search by demographics E2E test by @anjula-sack in #52
(test) O3-2273: Write a E2E test for search by location feature by @anjula-sack in #53
(test) O3-2274: Write a E2E test for search by enrollments feature by @anjula-sack in #54
(test) O3-2270: Write a E2E test for search by concepts feature by @anjula-sack in #58
(test) O3-2319: Write a E2E test for search by person attributes feature by @anjula-sack in #60
(test) O3-2320: Utilize pre-filled docker images in e2e tests by @Piumal1999 in #61
(test): O3-2272: Write an E2E test for search by encounters by @anjula-sack in #62
(test) O3-2276: Write an E2E test for search composition by @anjula-sack in #63
🧹 Housekeeping
(chore) O3-1311: Initial setup of the project by @anjula-sack in #1
(chore) O3-1427: Add the deploy job to the workflow by @anjula-sack in #15
(chore) O3-1543: Update the pre_release job in the GitHub workflow by @anjula-sack in #27
(chore) O3-1543: Update the pre_release job in the github workflow by @anjula-sack in #28
(chore) O3-1545: Update the deploy job in the workflow by @anjula-sack in #29
(chore) Migrate from babel to swc and fix dependencies by @denniskigen in #33
(chore) Fix app publishing by @denniskigen in #38
(chore) Bump ip from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 by @dependabot in #76
(chore) Fix version command by @denniskigen in #39
(chore) Bump dependencies by @denniskigen in #41
(chore) Fix pre-release job by @denniskigen in #43
(chore) Upgrade yarn and install interactive tools plugin by @denniskigen in #45
(chore) Add the admin link for the cohort builder. by @hadijahkyampeire in #46
(chore) Switch back to
by @denniskigen in #48(chore) Update to newer versions of openmrs and @openmrs/esm-framework by @denniskigen in #50
(chore) Bump terser from 5.10.0 to 5.14.2 by @dependabot in #13
(chore) Bump webpack from 5.75.0 to 5.76.0 by @dependabot in #55
(chore) Bump semver from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1 by @dependabot in #56
(chore) Bump tough-cookie from 4.1.2 to 4.1.3 by @dependabot in #57
(chore) Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5 by @dependabot in #59
(chore) Bump @adobe/css-tools from 4.1.0 to 4.3.1 by @dependabot in #64
(chore) Bump postcss from 8.4.14 to 8.4.31 by @dependabot in #65
(chore) Bump @babel/traverse from 7.18.2 to 7.23.2 by @dependabot in #66
(chore) O3-2516: Add docker setup to run E2E on Bamboo by @jayasanka-sack in #67
(chore) Reduce timeout to 15 minutes in E2E test CI workflow by @suubi-joshua in #70
(chore) Bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2 by @dependabot in #74
(chore) Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.7 to 1.15.6 by @dependabot in #75
(chore) Bump tar from 6.1.11 to 6.2.1 by @dependabot in #77
(chore) Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 by @dependabot in #78
(chore) Bump ejs from 3.1.6 to 3.1.10 by @dependabot in #80
(chore) Bump dependencies by @NethmiRodrigo in #82
(chore) Downgrade @actions/upload-artifact GitHub action by @denniskigen in #84
(chore) Release 4.0.0 by @NethmiRodrigo in #83
New contributors
@anjula-sack made their first contribution in #1
@dependabot made their first contribution in #13
@denniskigen made their first contribution in #33
@hadijahkyampeire made their first contribution in #46
@Piumal1999 made their first contribution in #61
@jayasanka-sack made their first contribution in #67
@suubi-joshua made their first contribution in #70
@jwnasambu made their first contribution in #71
@NethmiRodrigo made their first contribution in #82
Thank you to all contributors for embodying the spirit of 'write code. save lives' in every line committed. Your commitment to OpenMRS is invaluable and truly makes a difference in healthcare worldwide. ❤️
Full Changelog: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-esm-cohortbuilder/commits/4.0.0
What's ChangedBreaking changes
(BREAKING) Migrate
to use routes.json by @vasharma05 in #13
New features
(feat) Add demonstration of extension system by @brandones in #3
(refactor) Useful refactors by @denniskigen in #17
Bug fixes
(fix) Miscellaneous cleanup by @brandones in #7
(fix) Update github actions prerelease template to use yarn by @mogoodrich in #11
(fix) Exports should reference the result of getSync/getAsync by @denniskigen in #14
(docs) Add module management app link to README by @denniskigen in #8
(docs) Fix small error in README by @mogoodrich in #10
(chore) Fixed not working CI/CD by @FlorianRappl in #1
(chore) Switch to yarn by @brandones in #2
(chore) Remove prettier config by @brandones in #4
(chore) Update GitHub workflows to use Yarn instead of NPM by @brandones in #6
(chore) Add .DS_Store files to .gitignore by @manuelroemer in #9
(chore) Bump dependencies by @denniskigen in #12
(chore) Switch back to
by @denniskigen in #15(chore) Update to newer versions of openmrs and @openmrs/esm-framework by @denniskigen in #16
(chore) Updated code dependencies by @vasharma05 in #22
(chore) Reduce timeout to 15 minutes in E2E test CI workflow by @suubi-joshua in #23
(chore) Only auto-generate English translations by @ibacher in #25
(chore) Bump openmrs tooling and framework versions by @denniskigen in #26
(chore) Bump openmrs framework dependancies by @NethmiRodrigo in #28
(chore) Bump dependencies by @denniskigen in #29
(chore) Decouple linting and formatting concerns by @denniskigen in #30
New Contributors
@FlorianRappl made their first contribution in #1
@brandones made their first contribution in #2
@denniskigen made their first contribution in #8
@manuelroemer made their first contribution in #9
@mogoodrich made their first contribution in #10
@vasharma05 made their first contribution in #13
@suubi-joshua made their first contribution in #23
@NethmiRodrigo made their first contribution in #28
Full Changelog: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-esm-template-app/commits/v4.0.0