This page is a work-in -progress.
Compare the contents of case-based reporting (CBR) to the “Save Patient Level Clinical Data” workflows within OpenHIE. The CBR project team will make additions if necessary to these workflows, or create new OpenHIE compatible workflows to ensure that case report data can be shared with an HIE in a standards-based way. These will be documented and published so they can be shared with the OpenHIE community.
Save Patient Level Clinical Data
Evaluation and Analysis
CBR Use Case
This use case assumes that the CBR is using OpenMRS ( and the OpenMRS metadata model) for the SHR
A point-of-care system (e.g. OpenMRS) should generate a standard CBR, transmit via defined messaging protocols and be received and consumed by OpenHIE. OpenHIE will be able to consume and store a normalised subset of clinical/ CBR information items (that which is deemed appropriate to share based on defined privacy constraints) from the patient’s CBR within the OpenHIE.
Data will be parsed and stored within the Shared Health Record structure and will include the following patient and clinical domains:
Specific data domains to be stored ( and eventually queried) include but are not limited to the following:
Patient demographics
HIV Status
Including WHO staging
Date of initiation
HIV test results (CD4 and Viral Load)
Including testing date
Pregnancy Status
Diagnoses ( in addition to HIV)
Death ( date and cause)
Unstructured data along with associated metadata, e.g. a PDF document or digital image with attached patient demographic information will be stored within the SHR
Evaluation of Case Reporting Content with OpenHIE Workflow
Review of Process
Technical Details of OepnHIE's Save Clincal Encounter Workflow
Technical Details fo SHR Internal Save Encounter Workflow