This module allows developers to quickly and easily put together a 'chart' or 'flowsheet' style user interface for a patient, as opposed to an encounter-form-based UI.
The flowsheet can have a bunch of tabs (representing physical pages) each having a different table. The tables are one-row-per-encounter, and one-column-per-form-question.
The chart looks something like this: (please forgive the silly example)
Clicking "Add Another" opens the relevant HTML Form for entry:
Release Notes
Version 0.1
- Initial alpha release
- This module depends on the HTML Form Entry Module
- To use this module properly you need to create your own module that depends on this one, and put your own custom configuration in your moduleApplicationContext.xml in a controller bean that extends the PatientChartController provided by this module.
- For each "page" (or tab) you want in your "chart", you need to create an HTML form. Preferably a short one.
- Instantiate a controller bean, like below
- Map the bean in your module's urlMapping
Here is an example of how to configure a chart with 2 tabs. The first is labeled "Vitals", shows encounter type 1 and uses form 18 for entry. The second is labeled "Labs", shows encounter type 2 and uses form 19 for entry.
<bean id="testPatientChartController"> <property name="configuration"> <bean> <property name="tabs"> <list> <bean> <property name="title"><value>Vitals</value></property> <property name="tabType"><value>encounterChart</value></property> <property name="encounterTypeId"><value>1</value></property> <property name="formId"><value>18</value></property> </bean> <bean> <property name="title"><value>Labs</value></property> <property name="tabType"><value>encounterChart</value></property> <property name="encounterTypeId"><value>2</value></property> <property name="formId"><value>19</value></property> </bean> </list> </property> </bean> </property> </bean>