What this module does
The module exposes the OpenMRS API as REST web services. if an OpenMRS instance is running the Webservices.REST module, other programs (and languages) can connect to retrieve and post certain information through OpenMRS.
User Documentation
View Source: http://source.openmrs.org/browse/Modules/webservices.rest/trunk/
Checkout Source: http://svn.openmrs.org/openmrs-modules/webservices.rest/trunk/
Download: http://modules.openmrs.org/modules/view.jsp?module= (To be updated once module is formally released)
Standalone version of OpenMRS 1.8.1 bundled with the webservices module: (To be added+linked)
Required OpenMRS Version
The REST Web Services module requires at least OpenMRS 1.9.0 or 1.8.1 to run.
Configuration Options
webservices.rest.maxResultsDefault - This Global Property determines the maximum number of resources that can be accessed on any webservice call. The default is 50.
webservices.rest.maxResultsAbsolute - This Global Property determines the absolute maximum number of resources that can be accessed on any webservice call. If the client requests more than this limit, then receives an error. The default is 1000.
webservices.rest.uriPrefix - This should point at the root of your exposed web application. This is typically _http://localhost:8080/openmrs_ during testing, but after being deployed will be something like _http:// or _http://yourdomainname.org/openmrs_. If this is empty or not filled in, the user will see NEEDSTOBECONFIGURED/ws/rest/ as the "self" urls on all objects.
webservices.rest.allowedips - By default this is "", which means anyone can access the rest URLs. If you put any IP addresses into this list, only calls from those are allowed. IPs should be separated by a whitespace or a comma. IPs can be declared with bit masks to denote whole subdomains e.g. matches - and matches - Non matching IP addresses will receive a 403 HTTP error. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported.
Technical Documentation
The module exposes the OpenMRS API through light-weight resource objects off of the core OpenMRS objects. The structure is very similar, but not guaranteed to match up exactly.
This module uses Spring 3 annotations to expose URLs. Primary transport language is currently JSON with XML to be added at a later date.
For Creators of Web Service Core/Module Methods
Adding a Web Service Step by Step Guide for Core Developers
Adding a Web Service Step by Step Guide for Module Developers
For Web Service Client Developers
Development History
Initial project page: Enhanced Web Services (Design Page)
Development sprint 1: 2011-05-16 Development Sprint
Followup sprint: 2011-05-30 Development Sprint
Development sprint 2: 2011-07-05 Development Sprint
Release Notes
( To be filled in once a formal release is made to the Module Repository )