This guide focuses on the operation of The Notifiable Condition Detector (NCD, for short) module. The ultimate purpose of this module is to notify condition detection where NCD analyzes Encounters, looking for segments that contain conditions, as defined by its configuration. The goal is to allow the NCD module to deliver a user specified message via the messaging module when an incoming datum matches a user defined pattern or critic.
As an example, when a CD4 laboratory result is entered for a patient who suffers from HIV, is on anti-retroviral medicine, and has agreed to receive messages from OpenMRS, the system delivers a message informing the patient of the laboratory result and where they can get further information.
By configuring a critic the user will enable the system to monitor Encounters and notify the appropriate recipient via Email or Sms, where a Critic in NCD is an aggregation of Conditions and Message Templates.
To configure Critics follow the steps;
In OpenMRS, Click the "Administration" link near top of the page
Click the "Manage Critic Notifier" link (under the "Notifiable Condition Detector" heading) as bellow
The Mange Critic Notifier page will be loaded as bellow;
To create a new Critic click on "Add New Critic" link to open the Notification Critic page.
To edit an existing Critic, click the appropriate Critic Id links under the "Critic Id" column to open and edit that Critic through the Notification Critic page.
The critic can be added or edited through the Notification Critic page.
Enter the Critic name in the Name field
Enter an appropriate Description on the Description Text Area.
Define Condition
In the Notification Critic page under the Condition(s) click on the "Add" button to add a new condition.
Condition has an attribute type, select Patient or Concept.
Select Patient if the condition is based on a Patients attribute
Select Concept if the condition is based on a concept value related to an Encounter
After selecting Attribute Type an attribute has to be selected.
If Patient attribute type is selected, select one of the given Patient attributes from the drop-down.
else for the Concept attribute type enter the concept name in the text-box, the auto-complete will suggest some concept available in the system for you to select.
For the Attribute selected based on their kind(i.e Numeric, String, Date or Boolean) appropriate Operators will be shown as drop-down.
Configure Messages
Configure Task
Known issues
This module was developer by Sriskandarajah Suhothayan (Suho).