This module provides the ability for users to define their own, customized patient summaries. It provides a clean separation between the underlying data to present and the actual format of the resulting summary, enabling users to create several different output documents depending on the circumstance. For example, on output summary might be appropriate for a mobile device, another might be for display in-line on the patient dashboard, and yet another might be a printable PDF.
The patientsummary module builds upon (and depends upon) the reporting module, leveraging the power of that framework for computing data and rendering output. Although we are working to provide a user experience that hides as much of the underlying complexity of the reporting module as possible, there still may be areas where the reporting module user interface is used to perform a particular activity. We expect to minimize this in future versions of the module.
The patientsummary module version has undergone a major re-write in the 2.0 release line, and some of the initial requirements behind it can be found here. The 1.x release line of this module (available in svn under http://svn.openmrs.org/openmrs-modules/patientsummary/) contains very limited functionality that provides a single hard-coded HIV patient summary, mainly targeted at the PIH Rwanda Implementation. The 2.0 release is not intending to provide backwards-compatibility to the 1.0 version, but rather to provide the framework within which the 1.0 version can be re-defined using new configurable constructs. Stay tuned for more details on plans for merging these two versions over time.
Getting Started
Building a Patient Summary in 3 simple steps
- Define the data points that you want to make available. You can utilize either Person-based or Patient-based data.
- Define a Patient Summary Report Definition containing the relevant data points
- Define a Patient Summary Template that defines how your patient summary should look
Viewing a Patient Summary
There are a couple of options:
- Preview your summary as you author it
- Preview your summary using the preview page
- Enable display of your patient summary via the patient dashboard, and view it there
Reporting bugs and requesting new features
All new feature requests and bug reports can be raised in [JIRA|https://tickets.openmrs.org/browse/PS}.
Getting involved
If you wish to check out the source code and/or contribute, the code can be found in github (http:/github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-patientsummary)
Technical Notes
While the UI for the patient summary is in development, sample patient summaries can be developed as follows:
- Create a new PatientSummaryReportDefinition by going to: http://localhost:8080/openmrs/module/patientsummary/patientSummaryReportDefinitionEditor.form, entering a Name and clicking "Save"
- Go over to the reporting module UI, and from here:
- Click on "Data Definitions" and save a couple of Patient Data Definitions and/or Person Data Definitions (eg. gender, age, name, etc)
- Click on "Data Set Definitions". You will see a Row-per-patient data set definitions called "Patient Dataset for <Name you chose above>". Edit this one.
- Add one or more of the data definitions you created above to this
- Now you need to create your "template"
- Create a new text file called something like "template.txt" and in it, author the html for the way you want to display your patient summary
- Where you want patient data to be included, add this in by referring to the name you gave this when you added it to the schema above. For example, if you added columns "age" and "gender" to your report definition, you could have a very simple template with the text:
My age is $data.age and my gender is $data.gender
- Go to "Report Administration", click on the report that you created above, click "Add" under Output Designs:
- The "Name" should be however you want this summary to be presented to the end user
- The renderer should be a TextTemplateRenderer
- For resources, you should upload the text file you authored above
- For design properties, you will want to put: templatetype=Groovy
- Go to "Report Administration", click on the report that you created above, click "Add" under Output Designs:
- Now that this is in place, you should be able to go back to Administration and click on "Preview Patient Summary Templates":
- Choose a patient
- Choose your summary template
- Click Preview, and this should display the patient summary
- You can also make this summary available in a new tab on the patient dashboard by configuring a global property:
- Currently the global property is named "patientsummary.reportDesignUuids", which will likely be changed. You want to set this to the uuid of the report design you created above (probably need to get this out of the database in the reporting_report_design table for now. Will make this more user friendly later on...
- Once this is configured, go to the patient dashboard for a patient and the selected summary should appear in a new tab.