15 May 2008
In Attendance
- Paul Biondich
- Burke Mamlin
- Ben Wolfe
- Brian McKown
- Eric Manders
- Darius Jazayeri
- Cohort Definition
- Identifier Validator
- When selecting a cohort definition on one page, you need to reselect that on a back end, so the cohort definitions are needing a key of some sort
- Implement Burke's suggestion in his last email about identifier validators
- Justin found a bug in the xformsmodule was stopping development.
- The xmlvalidator used in unit tests was different than the one used in the web layer
- The cause for this was that the saxon library is providing it own incorrect xml validator
- Can we remove saxon? Should allow a user to set the validator? Settings (formerly global properties 1.8 and below) to set it?
- Complex obs is nearing completion -Brian
- GSoC students start May 26th...complex obs /has to/ be done by then
- Brian has a lot of reporting needs from AMPATH. Darius suggested that all indicators that can be are abstracted out and defined separately. It took Mike Seaton a month to do this in Haiti