Primary mentor | |
Backup mentor | @Martin Were |
Assigned to | @Dileka |
As more usage of on mobile application, the same needs should be developed for mobile health application (mUzima) as well.
The Patient Clinical Summary generates a summary that is being displayed on the patient dashboard which is helpful for the providers to make clinical decisions without going through numerous encounters/observations. Currently, there is no mechanism for providers to provide any feedback to confirm whether the summary is correct or not. When the summary is not correct due to missing data/incorrect data in the system, it would be helpful for providers to provide the correct information to improve the data quality.
- On the server side, the template should be done so that it is configurable in terms of content - e.g. to accept regular concepts and in the future to accept derived concepts).
- The template also needs to be configurable on the server to define what order / grouping the content should be presented.
- Example Summary:
Summary sub-sections: Demographics | Medical Problems | Vital Signs | Allergies | Current Medications | Diagnostic Tests - the order with which these appear needs be defined in the template.
Within each sub-section you have several patient identifiers or several concepts - e.g. Demographics: First M Last Names, Date of Birth, Medical Record Number (in mUzima we will already have this information, so might not be interested in displaying them)- Vital Signs: Temperature | Blood Pressure | Pulse | Respiratory | Oxygen saturation - this is the order these usually are supposed to appear for clinicians. So, the template should allow easy configuration of the order.
- Allow mUzima to consume both the content of the summary, and the order details
- mUzima to display these based on best fit scenario (based on what is available on Android)
- Ideally, I the clinical summary should allow for creation of the summary subsections, and then through drag / drop, allow for them to be reordered (or arranged in a specific order)
- Then within each subsection, it would allow for concepts or patient identifiers to be selected, and then through drag and drop allow them to be arranged in a specific order.
- This is then saved in a format that is consumable by mUzima (json) - capturing the content and order.
On the mUzima:
- The summary details are downloaded
- Then displayed based on pre-defined templates - so for example - each subsection could be its own tab at the top. Or they could follow one another in one document - scrolling up and down.
Frequency of synchronizing summaries (needs further discussions):
- The server will update summaries and push any changed summary to the device - that can be updated during the next synchronization on the device.
- Good Java and JavaScript skills
- Soft skills to interact with the community in order to gather requirements and technical feedback
Skills Needed
- Java
- JavaScript
- Good understanding of Spring framework and OpenMRS API
- Create patient summary review/feedback which allows providers
- to confirm the clinical summary is correct
- to provide recommendation for the changes
- with options which require data review or without
- so that those are being queued in the system
- For feedback review, it should allow reviewers
- to accept recommendations and make changes
- to decline the recommednations with reasons
Enhance mUzima to allow consumption of the patient abstract.
Develop a high quality user-interface for displaying the abstracts within mUzima.
Implement functionality within mUzima to allow for editing of content within the summary.
Extra Credit
Alert setting - to allow alerts being generated with a user defined frequency that x numbers of messages are waiting for reviewers' attention.
Action Items
- Install clinical summary module in a local instance and test a few examples of summaries - responsible person Sam Mbugua
- Identify gaps that exist and that would need improvement - responsible person Sam Mbugua
- How to create a Patient Clinical Summary using Reporting Module
- Generating Patient clinical summaries using SQL data set definitions.
- Creating scheduled tasks to generate patient clinical reports.
- Creating user interface to create report configurations.
- Creating back-end infrastructure to implement functionality.
- Creating endpoints to consume reports from Muzima Android App.
- Modifying Muzima Android app to display reports to the user.