The Easiest way to have the PLIR set up locall is by using Docker and Docker Compose
See Docker Installation Instructions for your environment. If running on Linux, check to install docker compose.
Checkout this git-repo for a fully pre-configured Dockerized PLIR set up and follow the instruction below
Clone the Repository locally
git clone
Move to the project root directory and Spin Up the pre-configured OpenMRS ,OpenHIM and Hapi-Fhir instances .
docker-compose up
You should be able to acces the OpenMRS ,OpenHIM and Hapi-Fhir instances at the following urls
Instance URL credentials (user : password) OpenMRS http://localhost:8080/openmrs admin : Admin123
OpenHIM http://localhost:9000 : openhim-password
Hapi FHir http://localhost:8090 hapi : hapi123
After Logging into OpenHIM (see more ), Import the Config inside the Config folder ie config/openhim-config.json
Note that the OpenMRS Instance above is pre-loaded with CIEL and comes with a sample form (TX_PVLS form) to collect TX_PVLS specific dataLoad the necesary TX_PVLS Measure and Library Resources into the Hapi FHir . see how to load the Resources into Hapi Fhir .