Custom HL7 Handlers
Custom HL7 Handlers
HL7 is processed in OpenMRS using the w:HAPI library. HAPI is able to parse any valid hl7 v2.5 message. In order to get the parsed message into the openmrs schema, you must register an hl7 handler.
As of version 1.6.0 build 10516, a module can register its own custom hl7 handlers.
Handler Registration
Add a bean like this anywhere in your module's moduleApplicationContext.xml file.
<bean factory-method="getInstance">
<property name="HL7Handlers">
<entry key="ADR_A19"><bean/></entry>
<entry key="XXX_YYY"><bean/></entry>
Example Module
See the examplehl7handlers module
Example Handlers
ORU_R01 handler (in core openmrs)
ADT_A28 handler (in core openmrs)