Git IDE Integration
Git has a relatively easy to use command line interface. However all the major Java IDEs have some support for Git:
EGit (available from Eclipse Marketplace)
Use this to clone a repository from GitHub and then import as a Maven project.
To clone a repository from GitHub:
From Eclipse, select File->Import
Select Git->Projects From Git
Select URI...
URI should be in this format:
Once you've cloned the repository, skip the rest of the import because you want to import this as a Maven project
To import as a Maven project:
Select File->Import
Select Maven->Existing Maven Projects
Select the project to import
To associate this project with Git:
Right click on project and select Team->Share Project
Select Git
Check "Use or create repository in parent folder of project"
If the HOME environmental variable is not set it will give warning:The following directory will be used for GIT user configuration and as a default repository location. If it is your home directory (e.g. C:\Users\Tom) click OK or create the HOME environmental variable pointing to your home directory and restart Eclipse.
Maven SCM Connector for Git (available from Eclipse Marketplace)
Doesn't create an EGit managed project
Support through plugin
IntelliJ IDEA
Built-in support for Git and GitHub