KenyaEMR Installation For Developers
These instructions describe installing KenyaEMR from source in a development environment.
Maven (installation instructions)
A suitable IDE (the core team currently use IntelliJ IDEA)
A fresh OpenMRS 1.9.7 install with the latest CIEL concept dictionary installed
Don't install the demo data during OpenMRS installation as this will conflict with the metadata included in KenyaEMR. There should be no pre-existing data in OpenMRS prior to installation.
Some of the modules included in KenyaEMR require the scheduler.username and scheduler.password settings (formerly global properties from platform 1.8 downwards) to be set correctly. If these are not set correctly you may end up locked out of OpenMRS.
Building the distribution
Create an account on Github and configure your SSH keys
Go to the KenyaEMR module repository and fork the project
Open a terminal and navigate to a suitable directory where you will keep your working copy
Clone the repository into that directory, i.e
git clone kenyaemr
Use Maven to build the distribution:
cd kenyaemr mvn clean package -DbuildDistro=true
The distribution should now be available as distro/target/ where xxx is the latest version number of the code.
Deploying the distribution
Deployment is just a matter of extracting the distribution into your OpenMRS modules repository directory. If you are on Linux and using Tomcat you might do this like:
rm $MODULE_DIR/*.omod
unzip -oj distro/target/ -d $MODULE_DIR
Then restart Tomcat.