How to Process a OpenMRS Platform 1.11 Ticket

We need to define a recipe for how to process 1.11 tickets. As we documented on the wiki and discussed on the 12-June Dev Forum, we want to make one pass through the ~335 tickets in which we generate most of what we will need for release notes and identify those tickets that will require another round of review/testing before 1.11 can be released.

The goals of this first pass through the 1.11 tickets are:

  • Revising the ticket summary as needed to communicate what was done for release notes

  • Marking those tickets that should be included in the release notes summary (not just in the list of tickets for 1.11, but be part of the highlights for changes in 1.11)

  • Labeling those tickets that represent complex changes and deserve closer review

  • Documenting data model changes

  • Documenting changes that could affect module developers

In order to distribute the work of processing hundreds of tickets, we need to document a clear recipe that everyone can follow.


The goal of this recipe is to standardize the approach to processing 1.11 tickets for a "first pass", where we accomplish the goals listed above.  When the first pass is completed, we should have decent summaries on all 1.11 tickets, labels on those tickets that should be highlighted in the release notes summary, a list of data model changes made in 1.11, a list of changes relevant to module developers, and a list of "complex" tickets that need additional review.

What's next?

After we complete the first pass, we will have a few tasks to prepare for a 1.11 release:

  • Create a strategy for making a second pass for reviewing "complex" tickets.

  • Create the OpenMRS Platform 1.11 Release Notes summary.  This will be the summary most users will see about what is in OpenMRS Platform 1.11.

    • Dump summaries of all issues to be highlighted for the 1.11 release (labeled 1.11-highlight) into a document

    • Take an "affinity diagram" approach to the list, grouping related issues together.

    • Refactor the document into a release note summary (presumably vastly reducing the text to a handful of headers and bulleted highlights).

    • Add data model changes collect in the first pass and clean them up.

  • Create the OpenMRS Platform 1.11 Notes for Module Developers by cleaning up the notes collected in the first pass.

  • Proceed with the standard Release Process