2010-12-17 Logic Planning Meeting

2010-12-17 Logic Planning Meeting


  • @Vibha Anand

  • @Steve McKee

  • @Tammy Dugan

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Nyoman Ribeka

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • Roger Friedman


This meeting was called to expand on the prior logic planning (see http://notes.openmrs.org/logicplanning).  The goal was to decide on the best strategy for moving the logic service forward in a way that allows more people to begin using the service.


These notes were copied from http://notes.openmrs.org/logic-2010-12-17

Wiki page: http://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/x/PwtYAQ
Connect (NOT connect.openmrs.org): http://breeze.iu.edu/openmrs

  • Review Arden grammar, decide on strategy for grammar (30 minutes)

  • Overall design of Tokens vs Rules vs Data Sources vs. "RuleProvider"s (30 minutes)

  • Decide on strategy for supporting compiled rules (from there)

  • Next Steps (15 minutes)

Grammar Thoughts
cdCount:= read Last {CD4Count from Obs} Where it Occurred Within Past 30 Days; If (cdCount > 85.0) AND (cdCount < 95.0) then conclude True; Last {CD4Count Where date within 30 Days and value < 85.0}; {Last CD4Count} Where date within 30 Days and value < 85.0 (Last {CD4Count Where date within 30 Days and value < 85.0} AND Last {WEIGHT Where date within 30 Days and value < 85.0}) OR First {CD4Count Where date within 30 Days and value < 85.0}; {Last CD4Count} Where value < 85.0; {Last CD4Count} Where date > {First HIVDx from obs} {Last CD4Count} Where date > {First HIVDx from obs} ({Last CD4Count} Where value < 85.0) AND ({Last Meds from Obs} Where value = Prescribed)
  • Transform (First, Last, All, Min, Max, Count, Average, etc.)

  • key from datasource

  • datasource

  • components available for restrictions

  • return values

What to do with results whose datatype is date, e.g. "NEXT VISIT DATE".

How to do "first encounter that has location=Telephone and type=Registration"
now you'd have to do eval("encounter") and filter in Java

Need to handle correlations e.g.
visits with CD4 COUNT<350 and TEMPERATURE>100
patients with an obs group with ALLERGIC TO=Penicillin AND SEVERITY=Severe
patients with a visit V1 where CD4COUNT<200 AND TB DOES NOT EXIST and
a visit V2 where CD4COUNT<200 AND TB=Positive and

For a developer:
if (logic.eval(patient, "\{CD4 COUNT} > 350")) \{ // do something }
if (logic.eval(patient, "last({CD4 COUNT}) > 350")) { // do something when most recent CD4 is over 350 }
For a super user:

{{ Define a cohort with: LAST({CD4 COUNT}) > 350}}
A real example: "first WEIGHT after HIV PROGRAM ENROLLMENT"

Two example expressions:

  1. Fetch me the last CD4 that is less than 350 and is also before DATE (returns a number)

  2. Is the (last CD4 that is less than 350) before DATE? (returns boolean)
    two options:


  1. 5-10 realistic representative examples of expressions, ranging from simple to complex. Describe them in different hypothetical grammars and compare

  • condition

    • Return CD4 COUNT(s) less than 350

  • multiple conditions

    • Find encounters that are at Rwinkwavu Hospital of type Immunization

  • condition and aggregate

    • Return the most recent among [CD4 COUNT(s) less than 350|CD4 COUNT(s) less than 350]

  • aggregate and condition

    • Is "the most recent CD4 COUNT" less than 350?

  • relative query


  • encounter-based criteria (i.e., condition and relative to a specific encounter)

    • Return Systolic BP and Diastolic BP from the last OUTPATIENT CONSULT visit

  • age-based criteria (i.e., condition and relative to patient's age at the time of test)

    • Return CD4 COUNT when patient was 18 months

  • rule that takes parameters

  1. Put the example here:

  2. Darius to write a snippet for RuleProvider and RuleFactory (refactor)


  • Review Arden grammar, decide on strategy for grammar

  • Overall design of Tokens vs Rules vs Data Sources vs. "RuleProvider"s

  • Decide on strategy for supporting compiled rules


The link for the recording is: Recording Link (Expired on 03/31/2010)

Next Steps

Next meeting 12/17 from 2-4 PM ET