2012-02-25 Development Sprint

General Info

Topic: Bug Fixing Sprint 2012
Leads: @Ben Wolfe
Date: 25 February-11 March 2012
Kickoff Meeting: 16:00 UTC / 11:00am ET, Monday February 25th (find your timezone)

Group Chat

via IRC on the #openmrs channel on freenode.

Use this channel for ALL debugging and random questions having to do with the sprint. Please avoid direct messaging to personal contacts. If you have a question, someone else probably does too, and our geographically distributed community benefits from public group discussion.

How to Participate

Add your name to the list on this wiki page (with any comments about your availability). If you want to join after the sprint has started just join the IRC channel mentioned above and say hello.

The general process:

  1. Pick a ticket from the available tickets in the top-left of the dashboard.

    • Make sure it does not depend on a ticket that is incomplete.

  2. If you have any questions about the ticket, ask on the group chat

  3. Do the ticket

  4. Commit code and click "Committed Code" (preferred) or attach a [patch|docs:Patches] and click "Request Code Review"


  • @Ben Wolfe

  • @Darius Jazayeri (50%)

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @raff

  • Mykola Vorobey (25%)

  • Add your name here

Please try to attend the kickoff meeting (see above for timing).

How to Submit Bug Reports

Make sure you are running a supported version of OpenMRS:

  • If you're unsure if your version is supported or not, you can see a list of unsupported versions here: Unsupported Releases of OpenMRS
    We appreciate your efforts to report a potential bug with OpenMRS. Before you do, please ask yourself the following:

File a bug report

We truly appreciate your feedback, so here are a couple of options to file your bug report:

  1. You can file a bug report in the OpenMRS Trunk project in JIRA: File a bug report in JIRA
    Please include as much information as possible:

    1. A clear description of how to recreate the error, including any error messages shown.

    2. The version of OpenMRS you are using.

    3. The type and version of the database you are using, if known.

    4. If you are using any additional modules, custom templates, stylesheets, or messages, please list them.

    5. If applicable, please copy and paste the full Java stack trace.

    6. If you have already communicated with a developer about this issue, please provide their name.

  2. If you are not comfortable creating a traditional bug report or are otherwise unable to do so, you may fill out this simple bug report form


This week's sprint:https://tickets.openmrs.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=11550

General bug fixing dashboard:https://tickets.openmrs.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=11450


This sprint has the following goals:

  • Fix bugs in OpenMRS and bundled modules based on community feedback