Order Entry Epic Project Charter

General Info

Topic: Order Entry

Type of Project: Epic

Design Dates: 21/10/13

Development Dates: TBD  

Product Owners: JSS, KenyaEMR, OpenMRS

Developer Lead: @Darius Jazayeri

Sprint Dashboard:  https://tickets.openmrs.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=44

Source code at:  

How to Participate


We will be holding a Epic kickoff meeting on:

Following the kickoff, all discussions related to the Sprints to complete this Epic will happen via the OpenMRS IRC Channel.  If you would like to get involved in the Sprints, simply connect to the IRC channel and engage with the developer lead (on IRC as "djazayeri") or one of the other developers who are working on the Sprint.

There will be a daily scrum updates for all participants, per the normal Scrum schedule.  This will occur over IRC each day at 10am Eastern Time except for Thursdays, when the scrum is at 3pm due to the weekly developer forum that takes place at 10am.

Ticket Selection:

All work done within this Sprint should be done from the XXXX.  Available tickets are listed roughly in order or priority, so if there is any doubt as to which ticket to work on, please start from the top of the list.  Please only claim tickets once you have started working on them, and unassign yourself if you find that you are unable to complete a ticket once you have picked it up, so that others can take over.

For developers who are new to OpenMRS or who are new to the Sync module and want to ease into it, there are many introductory tickets included in the sprint for you to choose from.  You can filter for these tickets directly using this link, or you can click on the "Quick Filter" called "Intro Tickets" from within the Sprint dashboard.

Working with the code:


Sprint Pages