2016-02-22 Project Management Meeting


Feb 22, 2016


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Theresa Cullen

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Mayank Sharma

Discussion items








@Mayank Sharma

  • 5 more tickets need to be completed: rest web services and outstanding 2.0 tickets

  • expect beta release end of next week

  • OpenMRS Platform Release Process#TestingaBetaRelease

  • reporting module is currently a blocker for testing -

    Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Module owner migration to 2.0?


  • those writing or supporting module keep working form legacy

  • Those who want to migrate to 2.0 and continue support of 1.x, what is the best way to manage this?

  • need to have module owner provide feedback on wiki page for having same module deal with both - Supporting different OpenMRS versions

Action items

@Jamie Thomas will see if @Darius Jazayeri@Mark Goodrich, and @Mike Seaton can join dev forum in the next two weeks to look at how we are dealing with those who want to migrate to 2.0 but continue support of 1.x
@Burke Mamlin will coordinate a time to speak with @Sri Maurya Kummamuru and @James deGraft-Johnson this week about 2.4 planning
@Burke Mamlin will talk with @Ryan Yates about using test servers regardless of who is using them - https://help.openmrs.org/customer/portal/articles/1517999-using-test-servers