2011-02-17 Developer Meeting

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In Attendance

  • @Michael Downey

  • @Jeremy Keiper

  • @Ben Wolfe

  • @Dawn Seymour

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Sriskandarajah Suhothayan

  • @Former user (Deleted)

  • @Suranga Kasthurirathne

  • @Glen McCallum

  • @Mark Goodrich



real-time collaborative notes

  • Start time: 10:15

Review of todo's

  • Most need to be deferred

  • Stanford Hackathon didn't go too well this time due to lack of real-time/in-person support.

  • Ben: In person support was very helpful (first year), Last year went OK, this year no support was available and they worked on something else

Release manager - 20 min

  • Defer until anyone interested in the conversation is here?

  • How to make people feel more comfortable

  • Ben: May be fear of unknown time committment etc. Should we get Wyclif on video saying "it gets better"?

  • Paul: Needs to be an "advertisement" for release manager every time a new release cycle starts up. Formal meeting of the interested parties to kick-off the process.

  • Assumption: We want community volunteers to be involved in release process.

  • Paul: Look at mozilla web site for a good example of reading about release process / release managers.

  • TODO: Ben will write an email from Paul as a call for potential release managers.

  • TODO: Clean up the release manager role page on wiki to dispel misconceptions. (Expectations, different roles in the release process, what it is and is not, triaging, staying on top of issues, etc.) Provide a high-level overview of how releases come to be – not just a technical howto.

  • TODO (future): Have a real-time meeting with volunteer release managers

1.8 Update - 20 min

  • Wyclif: Well, the 1.8 beta 2 is out. We asked the implementations to try it out and report bugs. Spoke to AMPATH, PIH, James Arbaugh/HAS. In terms of tickets 1.8 development is fine and he personally has started on 1.9 coding.

  • Jeremy: AMPATH has a test server ready to go, they need a snapshot before installing 1.8. He's found a few small things:

    • FormEntry module wasn't correct version

    • Schema issues for AMPATH to use

  • TODO: Wyclif should talk to Hamish or Evan Waters at PIH for info about testing 1.8 there.

  • Mark: PIH has done some testing on 1.8 beta 1 for their Haiti implementation. He wrote up a list of their issues (mostly related to PIH-specific modules rather than the beta). Doesn't think there were many 1.8 issues. Basic testing was done in US on Mark's test system using real (de-identified) data.

  • TODO: Mark to provide feedback on his 1.8 findings to Wyclif et al.

OT: Uganda OpenMRS users - 5 min

  • Daniel: Known installations in Uganda are using 1.2 and 1.5, for example.

  • It would seem that the value proposition for upgrading (benefits vs. time/effort) are not enough for them to upgrade. They realize there's no "support" available.

  • Ben: It could take a day or more to upgrade data from 1.2 to 1.7+.

Patient Matching project update (Shaun) - 5 min

  • Need community's help for working on outstanding issues

Logic module feature demo (Darius) -

Side announcements

  • Mark will be moving the MDRTB module

  • Crucible is being moved over to OSUOSL. This will bring major speed improvements due to local (ok, well, a read-only nfs mount) indexing of svn and ganeti >> vmware





  • Backchannel IRC transcript

  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download - available after the meeting