Release Notes



Release Notes

2021-03-17: OCL for OpenMRS v 1.0

Copy Dictionaries & Manage Organizations

As of March 16 our concept management webapp OCL for OpenMRS has been updated!
You can try these new & improved features for yourself at

New Feature: Manage your Organizations 

Working on concepts with a team? You can now create, edit, and manage members of an organization directly within the webapp. 

Simply go to the My Organizations button below your profile:


New Feature: Copy a Dictionary to re-use your hard work

Want to create a new dictionary, without starting from scratch? You can create a new copied dictionary with all the concepts and mappings included from the previous dictionary.

Other Improvements & Bug Fixes:

  • Improved concept name sorting in alphabetical order and grouping names by language

  • Fix for extra slash in subscription url that was causing subscription failures

  • Error messages no longer persist on editing pages