2019-01-28 Project Management Meeting


Discussion items

Project Activities Spreadsheet

  • Conclusion was announced on blog
  • Official results will be announced today
  • 6 students have been nominated.
  • Funding has been provided for 1 mentor for the trip
  • Received last year's resources
  • Created GSoC 19 warm up talk post
  • Have created initial version of Summer Of Code 2019 page.
  • Will start org application this week
  • Could we get a project template developed with sample projects written up?
  • Use Design forum to discuss initial steps on how to draft projects
  • Suthagar Kailayapathy has drafted initial partner email which will be completed by end of this week
  • Jennifer sent out emails to partners last week
  • The invitations for the mentors are ready just waiting to get emails for dev3/dev4/dev5
  • Irene to check out dev3/dev4/dev5 on talk groups and send them invitations to mentor GSoC 2019
  • Cynthia to share emails for partners who attended the omrs2018 so we could invite them as mentors.

Internships: Andela

  •  Weekly calls have commenced as routine with product owners to ensure progress.
  • Meetings will be every Friday 3-4 UTC., Daniel Kayiwa will get the Andela team to put into the events calendar
  • Acceptance criteria will be ready before the next PM call.
  • Jennifer Antilla Daniel Kayiwa Cynthia Antwi will meet to discuss PM success activities to support Daniel Kayiwa to improve our experience with the Program

Sync 2.0 (SolDevelo, Jembi)

Jakub Slawinski

  • Report on this every 2 weeks.
OpenMRS Reference Application 2.9

  • Testing has commenced. (manual testing)  Awaiting feedback from Reuben Varghese

OpenMRS Platform 2.2
  • Samuel Male He made changes though little aspects are being fixed with help of Daniel
  • Daniel Kayiwa will merge the changes ones the hack is sorted out
Technical Road Map /Strategic Operational Plan
  • 2019 Draft Road Map
  • Operational Plan for CY 2019
    • consider review of objective one and two on the call during the next PM call (January 21)
    • ongoing x timely (monthly?) review of these objectives

Documentation Review 2019
  • Documentation meeting was included on the openmrs calender.
  • Juliet Wamalwa to put a reminder on talk 10 minutes(every Tuesday) before the meeting commences.
  • Its noticed that several members have lost hope in the documentation process because they seem not to understand it. But Cynthia Antwi promised to explain to them till they get everything right.
PM tool
  • We could use some more intro tickets
  • Daniel Kayiwa suggested that we focus on OCL and ensure its completed

  • Ways in which to better execute recommendations from OMRS18
Next week

Action items