2019 Draft Road Map

2019 Draft Road Map

2019 OpenMRS Community RoadMap V1

Ref App 2.9.x
Platform 2.2.x

Testing & Release

2.9 Official Launch

Feature review and confirmation for next release

Development of Features

Testing & Release

2.9.1 Official Launch

Complete Dev Commence Testing

2.2 Official Launch

Development of Features

Testing & Release

Feature review and confirmation for next release

2.2.1 Official Launch

Testing & Release

Define Requirements Gathering Process

Identify New Tickets for Dev

Establish a Design Team

Establish and Formalise PAT

Identify Release Managers

Identify a way to do Automated Testing

Identify a QA Team

Confirm and Ensure Documentation of Previous Release Process

Identify a way to harvest modules into RefApp

Greater Support for Implementation

Update & Improve Documentation

Easier installation and updates.

Common application that is built for scale

Broadened functionality and new technologies

We're playing with a new format for the road map... so don't believe anything you see here.  Use the Road Map page instead.

The OpenMRS Road Map is a set of milestones not only for the core OpenMRS platform, but also for core and sponsored modules as well as related tasks that help us meet the needs of our implementations.

For information about how the road map milestones are chosen and prioritized, see the Technical Roadmap Planning page.

For information about ongoing development tasks, see the Sprint Schedule page.

OpenMRS Someday

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