Active Projects

Welcome! Which of these apply to you?

Find Projects: I'm looking to contribute to a project at OpenMRS
  • To join Team-based projects: you're on the right page if you're looking for our current teams and squads, and who we are looking for. See the Active Projects list below. You're welcome to join the squads/teams weekly calls to learn more as well. (Recommended)

  • For solo or big projects: Feeling adventurous, independent, looking for a GSOC project, a big project you can run with, or looking for a big community need your own team could work on? See Available Projects.

Learn More: I want to learn more about OpenMRS in general
  1. Watch our new video about the OpenMRS global community.

  2. See this video to see what sites look like on-the-ground where OpenMRS/Bahmni is used:  

  3. Look at our Personas & Site Profiles

  4. Read the longer Introduction if you'd like to

Dev Tips

Getting started as a developer contributor to OpenMRS is sometimes dependent on the project (e.g. especially in the Microfrontends project), but our general guidance for new developers is available here: Developer Guide

In a nutshell: OpenMRS is a toolbox of pieces of software to assemble EMR distributions. Everyone shares a common platform (which we call Core) which uses OpenMRS' unique data model, and then they build upon that core with additional modules from a communal toolbox. These modules unlock additional functionality (like the modules available in our Add-Ons directory). Some distributions build their own completely unique frontend, while some use the recommended frontend package provided by our Reference Application module bundle ("RefApp"). Some build their own custom add-on modules, and some build modules that can be shared and re-used by others in the community by posting them to Add-Ons. Still others work with other opensource community members, like volunteers and other organizations, to create modules that solve shared problems - which drives the active projects list below.

Active Team-Based Projects in the OpenMRS Community

There are many ways for you to contribute to OpenMRS and help us achieve our vision of improving patient care. Each active OpenMRS-related project that is being worked upon has its own project page. Some projects are in the initial stages while others have been completed to a major extent. 

The OpenMRS community has opportunities for individuals to contribute to projects independently - or as part of a "squad" working on a specific project.  Whatever your interest or skills, you can join any squad - or simply help out where you see a need. Browse through each project's page to get more information about each project. If you want to know more about a project or if you want to contribute towards any aspect of it, you can write to the project's contact or search for current discussions or start a new topic on our community forum, which we call Talk.

Open Opportunities with Project Squads

Below is a list of current squads who are actively looking for contributors with a variety of skills to fill different roles.


Project(s) (with Jira links)

Looking for


O3 Squad

Next Generation Frontend for OpenMRS ("OpenMRS 3.0") - re-doing the frontend with Carbon Design System and new workflows and functionality (e.g. labs, orders)

  • Frontend developers with web development or specifically React experience (microfrontend experience is a plus though not required)

  • UX Designers

@Grace Potma

OCL for OpenMRS

OCL for OpenMRS - A front-end for organizations to manage, edit, and share medical terminologies.

  • Product Manager or BA

  • Developers with React experience or committed to growing their React skills

#ocl Slack channel

FHIR Channel

FHIR ModuleExchanging healthcare data in a widely-used, standards-based format, easing integration with external systems and products.

  • Developers interested in refactoring, mapping REST to FHIR, APIs

#fhir Slack channel

Platform Team

Update core platform (the universally shared backend of OpenMRS) and the Reference Application (recommended bundle that creates a frontend) with necessary tech stack updates, bug fixes, and urgent feature requests. 

  • Backend Developers

  • Devs interested in REST webservices

@Org Administrator