3.1 Demo Release - 2021-11-TBD

3.1 Demo Release - 2021-11-TBD


Major New Features

(If qualifies as having new features → should be 3.1 not 3.0.1)

  • Offline Mode (collect patient data offline)

  • Patient Lists (view list members)


Checklist & Outstanding Issues

Process for removing data people entered into production demo
Script for i.d.ing version numbers of all esms/apps and backend modules (so that this isn't a long monthly manual scavenger hunt) - distro.properties should have the actual version # instead of "next" or "latest" at the time we run it (want distro.properties file to explicitly say what you have - "download this and you'll get the exact copy of the same thing") - buy in from Ian and Brandon done
PM: UX Design Comparison & Product Owner Acceptance testing (spreadsheet to track here)
Product Marketing: Demo Website page ready, with 2.x vs 3.x options
Product Marketing: EMR Website page ready, with 2.x vs 3.x comparison
Product Marketing: Twitter Campaign; visuals/gif
Product Marketing: Article/Blog post about 3.0
If time: Add HIV Summary for Clinical Views example (Grace/JJ)
Answer for "Looks good, how do I get it?" 
PM: Build better Lab Entry form (e.g. PIH's:
priority type key summary updated status assignee Epic Link labels

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.



Details: What's in this release? 

New Features

priority type key summary updated status assignee Epic Link labels

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Bug Fixes

priority type key summary updated status assignee Epic Link labels

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.




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