3.1 Demo Release - 2021-11-TBD
3.1 Demo Release - 2021-11-TBD
Major New Features
(If qualifies as having new features → should be 3.1 not 3.0.1)
Offline Mode (collect patient data offline)
Patient Lists (view list members)
Checklist & Outstanding Issues
Process for removing data people entered into production demo
Script for i.d.ing version numbers of all esms/apps and backend modules (so that this isn't a long monthly manual scavenger hunt) - distro.properties should have the actual version # instead of "next" or "latest" at the time we run it (want distro.properties file to explicitly say what you have - "download this and you'll get the exact copy of the same thing") - buy in from Ian and Brandon done
PM: UX Design Comparison & Product Owner Acceptance testing (spreadsheet to track here)
Product Marketing: Demo Website page ready, with 2.x vs 3.x options
Product Marketing: EMR Website page ready, with 2.x vs 3.x comparison
Product Marketing: Twitter Campaign; visuals/gif
Product Marketing: Article/Blog post about 3.0
If time: Add HIV Summary for Clinical Views example (Grace/JJ)
Answer for "Looks good, how do I get it?"
PM: Build better Lab Entry form (e.g. PIH's:
Details: What's in this release?
New Features
Bug Fixes