2021-10-26 Project Management Meeting


Oct 26, 2021


  • Keep the pulse of current projects and releases

  • Plan for upcoming projects


Juliet, Jonathan, Grace N, Grace P, Daniel, Tendo, Suruchi, Kdaud, Jennifer, Sharif, Herbert


1.Documentation updates

  • Documentation workshop was successfully held.

  • Squads working on completing the getting started guides. More support needed by the Dictionary manager.

3. Dictionary manager updates

  • Working on OCL subscription module testing.

  • Upgrading the UI to the latest version.

  • Starting a new sprint next week.

4. Platform updates

  • Alpha 2 release on the way.

  • Preparation for testing to begin by tomorrow.

5. QA updates

  • Migrated all pages to the QA.

4.Review CI builds

  • FHIR failing -Sharif to follow up.

  • HTML formentry failing- Sharif to follow up.

  • SDK failing- Julie to ping Ian.

6.Ref app release updates

  • Finally released.

  • Updating the links on the website is still pending. -Sussana to handle.

7. Microfrontends updates

  • Working on getting the demo live together with PIH.

  • Working on NCD on user research, design and testing.

  • Working on Offline mode.

  • Improve the patient list by adding a patient to it.