2021-03-01 Project Management Meeting

2021-03-01 Project Management Meeting


Mar 1, 2021


  • Keep the pulse of current projects and releases

  • Plan for upcoming projects


Grace N, Grace P, Herbert, Juliet, Daniel, Tendo, Moses, Sharif, Edd, Cliff


1. Documentation updates

2. OCL updates

  • There was a blocker which stopped the release to take place today.

3. Review CI builds

  • openeip failing- Followup on talk

  • Reference application distribution failing -Contact Joseph

4. GSOC 2021 updates

  • Waiting for the organizations to be announced by Google then other activities will follow.

5. PM dashboard
- Review of new tickets completed
- QA Board ready with ++ tickets for ppl to take up: https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=240&useStoredSettings=true