2021-02-15 Project Management Meeting
Feb 15, 2021
Keep the pulse of current projects and releases
Plan for upcoming projects
Herbert, Mozzy, Grace Nakiguli, Grace Potma, Tendo, Daud, Jen, Settimba Lamech, Cliff, Sharif, Daniel
1.Documentation updates
GSOD 2021 opening, with some changes to the program: https://talk.openmrs.org/t/season-of-docs-announcement-gsod-2021/32167/2
Application Deadline: 26 March 2021
Documentation team to come up with a very strong project idea
Documentation team to work hand in hand with operations to write the proposal
2.OCL updates
Working more on the release (involved in manual testing)
Looking forward to automated testing
In case you want to get started with OCL, follow https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/projects/OCL+for+OpenMRS+Weekly+Meetings
3.Review CI builds
OCL API2 failing - Grace & Daniel to turn on email alerts for OCL team to get notified
openmrs-eip failing
Reference Application-distribution
4.Gsoc 2021 updates
Application due in 2 days; mostly done in google doc. Suthagar and Mozzy to complete.
MFE project: Burke & Grace still seeking mentors; Daniel & Mozzy available prn
Intro tickets: Mozzy to work on i.d.ing these this week; MFE squad has intro ticket backlog available that volunteers are using already
MFE squad looking at webinar to help onboard students
Idea discussed: New contributor webinar / Orientation to OMRS webinar - open to anyone
Could do one for GSOC students around the time we announce we're a GSOC option. Could include GSOC-student-specific info like "How to write a strong GSOC proposal"
Dev Stages update
Jen shared Dev Stages work she and Mozzy and Joseph have been working on: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AxTQr5BYkk-1FZvq8lc_kR2nseXzTelcjr_ROgtEP6o/edit#gid=0
5.Pm dashboard
Switching RA workflow to use TRUNK workflow?
Switch to Zoom?