2021-02-15 Project Management Meeting


Feb 15, 2021


  • Keep the pulse of current projects and releases

  • Plan for upcoming projects


Herbert, Mozzy, Grace Nakiguli, Grace Potma, Tendo, Daud, Jen, Settimba Lamech, Cliff, Sharif, Daniel


1.Documentation updates

2.OCL updates

3.Review CI builds

  • OCL API2 failing - Grace & Daniel to turn on email alerts for OCL team to get notified

  • openmrs-eip failing

  • Reference Application-distribution

4.Gsoc 2021 updates

  • Application due in 2 days; mostly done in google doc. Suthagar and Mozzy to complete.

  • MFE project: Burke & Grace still seeking mentors; Daniel & Mozzy available prn

  • Intro tickets: Mozzy to work on i.d.ing these this week; MFE squad has intro ticket backlog available that volunteers are using already

  • MFE squad looking at webinar to help onboard students 

  • Idea discussed: New contributor webinar / Orientation to OMRS webinar - open to anyone

  • Could do one for GSOC students around the time we announce we're a GSOC option. Could include GSOC-student-specific info like "How to write a strong GSOC proposal"

Dev Stages update

5.Pm dashboard

  • Switching RA workflow to use TRUNK workflow?


  • Switch to Zoom?