2021-04-19 Project Management Meeting
Apr 19, 2021
Keep the pulse of current projects and releases
Plan for upcoming projects
Attendees: Sharif, Akshat, Edwin, Juliet, Suruchi, Tendo, Vineet, Grace P, Grace N, DKayiwa,
Regrets: Jen (vacation), Herbert
1. Documentation Updates cc @gracebish
GSOD accepted our proposal :D :D :D. Goal is 4 Getting Started guides & Getting Started template.
TODO: Job Posting to recruit experienced Technical Writer
Fellowship positions will open later; Technical Writer we hire will mentor them
2. GSOC2021 Updates cc @jennifer @mozzy @herbert24
Applications closed last week.
Now in Application Review stage. Each mentor to review the proposals for their projects. Deadline to pick students is May 16.
Reviewers need to review applications; we'll also have
3. Review CI Builds cc @sharif
All passing as expected :)
4. Quality Assurance Updates cc @sharif
Reviving old failing UI tests
See TAC conversation as well: https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RES/Technical+Action+Committee+%28TAC%29+Meeting+Notes
5. OCL Updates cc @grace
Created a dashboard to display ongoing activities
6. MicroFrontend Updates cc @grace
7. FHIR Updates
8. PM dashboards cc @grace, @dkayiwa
Currently no guideline about how to chose a priority - to help people not directly involved in Squad PMing
TODO: Talk post for feedback on idea to add Pirotiy field to Create workflow
TODO: Explain why we do the weekly review (research about issues being more likely to be closed)