2021-09-07 Project Management Meeting
Sep 7, 2021
Keep the pulse of current projects and releases
Plan for upcoming projects
Jennifer, Juliet, Grace N, Grace P, Suruchi, Sharif, Daud, Herbert, Tendo
1.Documentation updates
Brett is working on the Getting started guide template.
QA and Documentation team made a presentation of their work on the project page template.
Looking forward to having a presentation from the Dictionary manager this Thursday.
3. Dictionary manager updates
Focusing on the September sprint.
Working with OCL implementers to fix the current bugs.
Automated tests are on going.
4. Platform updates
Not yet been able to meet the members to look at the priority tickets as they plan for the release.
5. QA updates
All legacy selenium tests are completed.
Working towards increasing the functionality of 2.x.
Security tests are also ongoing.
4.Review CI builds
SDK failing- Herbert to follow up Daniel on this.
5.Pm dashboard
6.Reff app release updates
Waiting to merge some tickets then the release may be done by tomorrow.
7. Micro frontends updates
Review process is ongoing to see that what has been built matches what is needed by the users.
8. GSOC update
GSOC came to an end and working on the blog to thank the participants.
Working on getting on feedback from mentors in order to get a better GSOC experience next year.
Brainstorming on how to promote GSOC students who qualify to dev2.