2021-03-29 Project Management Meeting
Mar 29, 2021
Keep the pulse of current projects and releases
Plan for upcoming projects
Grace Nakiguli, Grace Potma, Herbert Yiga, Ashkat Tripathi, Daniel Kayiwa, Juliet, Settimba Lamech, Sharif Magembe, Moses Mutesasira, Tendo Martyn
1. GSOC 2021 updates
Intro Tickets: ~60 available. MFE Getting Started Guide continues to be updated.
For members not hearing back from mentors or who don't yet have a mentor: Post to talk and tag Jen & Moses
Pending feedback from Burke on MFE/Admin project mentors within next 1-2 days
Some projects have not received attention fro applicants e.g. https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/projects/GSoC+2021%3A+Patch+Security+Vulnerabilities+Identified+by+NCSU
2. OCL updates
v1 release done recently.
OCL's API2 change-over coming this week.
3. Review CI builds
All builds passing
4. Documentation updates
Meeting tomorrow
GSOD proposal submitted awaiting feedback on 16th- April-2021.
5. PM dashboard
Tickets which shall be in progress for over 2 months will be made ready for work.