2021-02-08 Project Management Meeting
Feb 15, 2021
Keep the pulse of current projects and releases
Plan for upcoming projects
Grace N, Herbert, Juliet, Moses M, GraceP, Jeniffer, Daniel, Sharif, KJoseph, Tendo
1.Documentation updates
Copy a leaf from the Microfrontends squad to help other squads to get updated
Discuss what MF squad has done in terms of documentation, put out different documentation experiments https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/projects/OpenMRS+3.0%3A+A+Frontend+Framework+that+enables+collaboration+and+better+User+Experience https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=15950
Aim: have templates/guidance for squads/projects documentation available for the community to use
Microfrontends now has a dashboard. Anyone interested can register and begin contributing.
In the process of updating Documentation goals this year. Any community member is welcome to advise. https://talk.openmrs.org/t/documentation-goals-for-2021/32042
2.OCL updates
4 volunteers
Need to work with the FHIR to get unblocked
3.Review CI builds
Reference application Distribution- failed
Registration Module- failed. Sharif to ping Dimtri to fix.
4.Gsoc 2021 updates
Gsoc application questions to be shared ahead of the Gsoc admin meeting tomorrow.
Herbert to help guide the Gsoc on-boarding students as they join the community
Grace P and Mozzy to work on the specif projects for the on boarding students
Mozzy and Jen to work on on boarding and orienting mentors
Mozzy to work on intro tickets curation
5.Pm dashboard
PM dashboard updated
Jen to create a post inviting community members to volunteer for the post of release manager