2021-04-12 Project Management Meeting
Apr 12, 2021
Keep the pulse of current projects and releases
Plan for upcoming projects
Herbert Yiga, Juliet Wamalwa, Tendo Martyn, Grace Nakiguli, Grace Potma, Sharif Magembe, Suruchi Dhungama, Daniel Kayiwa
1. GSOC 2021 updates
Added MFE 3.0 E2E tests project; several students have applied & self-taught in Cypress
2. OCL updates - Suruchi
Focusing on: API2 change over, concept customization, subscription module improvements, & additional work in the new April sprint. April sprint planning done today.
Also starting on E2E tests work with Cypress
3. Microfront end updates
* 3.0 E2E tests project
* Patient Lists design cycle wrapping up
* Offline Mode (for outreach workers) design cycle starting
4. Documentation updates - Grace N
Awaiting feedback from Google on the 16th of April
Working towards sustainability of human resource- Train and retain someone with experience on the squad.
5.QA updates
New volunteers are on-boarding. There are some blockers with working with Firefox and standalone. K.joseph is working on the error.
Some work will be set up for QA, OCL, Ref App 3.0.
6. Review CI builds - Herbert
OpenMRS QA under Contrib project failing - Herbert to reach out to Joseph
OpenMRS Platform failing
7. PM dashboard