2021-06-21 Project Management Meeting
Jun 21, 2021
Keep the pulse of current projects and releases
Plan for upcoming projects
Kdaud, Juliet, Daniel, Jennifer, Suruchi, Sharif, Grace B, Herbert,
1.Documentation updates
Focused on: Confirmed the meeting time, Using Jira to track the documentation work, getting started templates awaiting some work from the doc team to be confirmed.
2.Dictionary Manager Squad updates
*fomerly known as the OCL for OpenMRS Squad
Working on new sprint.
Discussing customization.
Had a mini-sprint review.
Had a QA call on how Dictionary Manager project handles e2e automated tests.
Daud is interested in knowing more about the Dictionary Manager, Juliet agreed to onboard him.
3. QA updates
Writing automated tests in progress.
4.Reff app release updates
Had a call with QA Support team .
Kaweesi advised to start a Slack channel to have a conversation with Christine & Grace to have a list of features to be tested.
To Do: Finalize the QA testing sprint discussion during the QA call and decide whether all tests are going to be automated or if manual tesing is still needed.