iSantePlus vs 3.x Demo: Gap Analysis

iSantePlus vs 3.x Demo: Gap Analysis


Participants involved creating this Gap Analysis:

Kemar Celestin, @Dupuy Rony Charles, @Jean Daboul MAXY Max @Christina White, @Jan Flowers, @Jennifer Antilla, @Grace Potma 


Currently already working to switch sites from iSante to iSantePlus. (Workflow modifications; iSante wasn't OMRS based). (~150 sites; 64 sites using plus; 23 switching in March; 100 sites using iSantePlus by Feb end)

Users' reactions to the changes: Not that hard. If already familiar w iSante, really easy to switch. Rare complaints. 2-3 days of in person training with them, then they call for assistance as needed. Complaints more often about "we used to have this, now we don't". Or it was there, they just couldn't find it. 



Next Steps

Initial Gap Analysis
2022-01-27 session - First session: Sample workflow walkthrough
2022-02-03 session - Second session: Sample 3.x workflow walkthrough
2022-02-10 session - continue 3.x workflow with sample patient flow
____ - I.d. Gaps and add Priority levels for gaps
Confirm: Any role-based customization? (e.g. Nurse can only see X, Clinician, etc; certain people can only see certain forms?)
Look at sample Test Results
OCL and OMRS (Maxy talking to PIH)
Dev Onboarding & Capacity Building planning
Mozzy & Piotr to set up 3.x frontend on existing DB (cc Xina, Rony, Jan, Kemar & Maxy)
Peer support options
ID a first project
ID a pilot goal / scope


New Work Item: Emergency Functionality (ER & Inpatient)

CDC Haiti has added resources into TAP to do this with CHARESS. Scope not yet totally clear. 

Current CHARESS priority is the rollout of iSantePlus. Some new dev'mpt assistance from 






Gap Analysis








Current State in iSantePlus

Future State (with 3.x)






Current State in iSantePlus

Future State (with 3.x)







  • Must create Visit to create Encounters. No defined visit "types". 

  • Each form = an Encounter

  • Multiple forms/encounters can be included in a Visit

  • Enrollment not so much used in iSantePlus. 

  • Gender & Age configures the fields in the form (e.g. don't ask men if pregnant)











Home page





Pt Search






Pt Dashboard

Patient Flags for Pt Alerts:

  • Missed Appointment

Permissioning: Based on permissions granted to the user, only certain actions possible.

Archivist or Receptionist example: After creating patient, can go to pt dashboard, but can only see some things. 




Patient Flags



Patient Flags


Where would "missed appointment" & other flags go? → Expect to see at top of patient chart, not necessarily in Header, but at top of patient summary. 


GAP & NICE 3.x IDEA → see timeline idea



Vital Signs




Can't save vitals form

Vitals Form buggy:

Grey'd out not clear why





To Config











Registration Summary

Used after registering to edit pt information



Clicking "Cancel" in Edit form brings you back home instead of into pt chart

Chan't save pt edits; get null message



Address Hierarchy







Fingerprint registration

Adaptation of a fingerprint in core modules AND integration with M2Sys (app that captures the print and provides an additional unique Identifier)









Ready (no change)





Shows any problems with outgoing data


Ready (no change)






To Config








To Config










Growth Chart






Lab Orders

Done through Lab Order form:

Large effort to mimic the paper form structure - most important when first adopting system. Along the way, modified a bit to have more electronic-friendly functionality. But recognition that designing just like paper form can even be annoying for Point of Care use. 


To Config






Lab History: 







Separate Viral Load History: 


To Config




Medication Orders

Rx Form


To Config




Med History







Clinicians review Forms history when seeing pt to see what has happened in pt's past






Pt Summary

Users use dashboard to review case. 






Diagnosis History







Gap Status: Ready To Config Gap

Gap Priority: LOW Medium High

Link to Jira Issues for Gaps

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

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