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May 21, 2014



  • To Review progress in 1.10 and 1.11
  • Review action items from last week's meeting
  • New Topics (Resource allocations and capacity planning)
  • Open Discussion

Discussion items

20 minReview timeline and plans for 1.10 and 1.11Wyclif Luyima
  • Development of 1.10 is complete
  • Alpha needs
    • Documentation
    • Testing, Order Entry UI
      • Only a significant issues found
        • duplicates in a care setting
        • Batteries
          • lab set
          • tests/ CBC
    • Resolve these issues and we will be ready to release for alpha
    • Goal to have the Alpha out the door by June 5th
  • 1.11 to be reviewed during Developer call tomorrow, and will be able to make action items from there.
  • How do we test the upgrade?
    • Can we have PIH do a test against real data and refactor ordering Xray's for example to 1.10?
    • Darius Jazayeri will have a conversation with Bahmni to see if they can assist with testing of the upgrade progress. Burke Mamlin will assist. "Now is the time to consider that it is stabilized and would be a good time to review.
    • Testing Goals for the Alpha
      • Closest real world testing capability is help an implementation get on the new API and possibly a certain module (order entry) providing them with help with the refactoring.
      • Even if they don't plan on immediately upgrading to 1.10 we are asking you to try in a test environment that has patient data so that we can get feedback on the upgrade process.
10 minsReview Action Items from Last Week's MeetingChris Power
  • Put together a list of remaining issues list to have reviewed to determine if it's really a blocker for release of 1.10 - In progress to complete
  • Talk to Steven W. to use Kenya EMR as a demo/tested by an implementation - 
  • Alternate is to try to have Bahmni test
  • Paul to get some clinical "geeks" to look at the mock UI - Complete
  • Email to community: Explaining that there will not be a "real world" testing going into Alpha, but will be looked at after release knowing there is another release coming soon.
  • Take tickets from testing and press hard on testing and have tickets created to go into a support sprint.  Need a more a directed effort - Burke suggestion
  • Paul to talk to Andy K. about drug content - In progress
20 mins

New Topics

      • Resource allocation and capacity planning


Shasha Liu, Chris Power
  • Resource Allocation
    • Looking for timeline and resource management
  • Capacity planning
    • How do we stop fire fighting?
  • Communication issues
    • This is what we are working on now, if you are not interested in helping with that you can work on allergies... (example)
    • Create a roadmap for the next thing or possibly the next two things. Have this happen on this call
      • Take a look at the roadmap of the reference application as a suggestion of what it could look like
    • How do we get updates out on what's being worked on so that others can see how to become involved.

  • Governance model
      • We need someone in charge of the roadmap and keeping priorities straight

RemainingOpen Discussion  

Action items

  •  Burke Mamlin and Darius Jazayeri to talk with Steven and Kenya EMR as well as Bahmni for testers.
  •  Shasha Liu to create a roadmap for the next thing that can be reviewed during the next PM call.