Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
OCL subscription module |
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Condition List |
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Web Framework |
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Vertical Packaging |
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Admin Functions |
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Basic Order Entry |
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Support Maria DB |
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Underlying Technologies |
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Release Managers |
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Measurement |
Action items
- Burke Mamlin will send thread to try and get a better understanding around the expectations of Kenya when it comes to the OCL subscription module
- Daniel Kayiwa will take a look at the note from previous Condition List conversations to see if we have enough thoughts/ideas to create an action plan
- Talk about community swim lane next week
- Darius Jazayeri will create Talk message asking people to help with REST tickets, will include link to tickets
- Jamie Thomas will find time on a design call to rank REST tickets
- Burke Mamlin will reach out to Rafal Korytkowski about being the technical owner for metadata mapping
- Jamie Thomas will check in on progress of MariaDB next week
- Burke Mamlin will point out decision that needs to be made on Hibernate 4 on Talk
- Jamie Thomas will do a last call for volunteer release managers on Talk
- All PM participants are going to think about how JIRA metrics can be used to measure work happening in the community.